2003, the good old days of journalism

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You all remember 2003, Bush started the year looking for some intelligence to "cherry pick" so he could invade Iraq for the oil. Hillary, John Kerry, and John Edwards were on board because of their statements during the days of Bill. Then along come the Washington Post story about CIA operative Valerie Plame. She was the wife of Joe Wilson, a democrat, who was sent to Niger by Bush to get the goods on Hussein and "yellowcake". He came back and lied about Hussein trying to buy "yellowcake" (that's uranium by the way). He went to the press (in case anyone was not watching) and said that Bush had outed his wife because he didn't do what Bush wanted. Long story short, a special prosecutor was called to indict Bush and Cheney but instead Scooter Libby went to prison for forgetting about a conversation that he had had two years earlier. His procedural sin was enough to convict him, not for the crime (which was committed by Richard Armitage) but because he was "obviously" covering something up by not remembering a 10 minute conversation. Remember Libby was not the leak, Armitage (friend of Colin Powell and not Dick Cheney) was the admitted leak that was confirmed by Bob Novack. Yes, the good old days when scandals broke out for errors.

Cut to today, the White House puts out a list of all the people meeting with Obama on his "secret" trip to Afghanistan to meet the troops (and to cover up his involvement in VA GATE (couldn't resist). On that list , put out by the White House, is the name and title of the CIA station chief in Kabul.....wow! If the terrorists know that then he (or she) is a dead person. There it was, twice, on the list put out by the White House. Someone in the White House had just put a target on the back of a CIA patriot in a very dangerous place. Whereas Plame was an analyst in Virgina going to dinner parties when she was "outed", this poor guy is in a war zone surrounded by bad guys who may be your friends today.

Where is the outcry? The hue and shouts of the outraged? Doesn't the past show that we need a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of this and send someone to jail?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-27-2014, 12:40 PM
As many distortions as you just told...I think you'd make a great reporter for the Globe informing the nation on the latest alien abduction.
Isn't this the second thread on the same subject?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If you were outraged by the Valerie Plame matter, but not this, you are a partisan hack hypocrite.
LexusLover's Avatar
If you were outraged by the Valerie Plame matter, but not this, you are a partisan hack hypocrite. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I wasn't "outraged" by the disclosure of "Valerie" ...

....but I was outraged by the attempt to paint her as some "covert operative" whose life was put at risk ... when she and her pimp husband were cavorting ("hobdobbing") around DC mouthing off about their escapades.
LexusLover's Avatar
I wasn't "outraged" by the disclosure of "Valerie" ...

....but I was outraged by the attempt to paint her as some "covert operative" whose life was put at risk ... when she and her pimp husband were cavorting ("hobdobbing") around DC mouthing off about their escapades. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Their lawsuit getting shit-canned sealed the deal! Hot air, no substance.
BigLouie's Avatar
There are so many outright lies in that story you should be glad that Pinocchio is just a story.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-27-2014, 05:46 PM
If you were outraged by the Valerie Plame matter, but not this, you are a partisan hack hypocrite. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
No, you made a leap of logic that is not necessarily sound.

The first outing (VP) was almost certainly a vengeful, intentional outing orchestrated by a very slimy individual, initials KR.

The second was an incredibly stupid screw-up by an imbecile press person who had info they never should have. It is bad, but there is no identifiable ill intent, just stupidity and incompetence. Reprimand them, fire them, reassign them, but hardly special prosecutor material.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wanna bet no one gets fired, reassigned or reprimanded? That's not how this bunch operates.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, you made a leap of logic that is not necessarily sound.

The first outing (VP) was almost certainly a vengeful, intentional outing orchestrated by a very slimy individual, initials KR.

The second was an incredibly stupid screw-up by an imbecile press person who had info they never should have. It is bad, but there is no identifiable ill intent, just stupidity and incompetence. Reprimand them, fire them, reassign them, but hardly special prosecutor material. Originally Posted by Old-T
Care to explain why Scooter Libby went to prison when the leak was Richard Armitage?
Maybe they will select Scooter again ...LOL
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-28-2014, 06:53 AM
Wanna bet no one gets fired, reassigned or reprimanded? That's not how this bunch operates. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
And if the don't (which is what I expected t will happen) you have every right to be angry. I never disagree with that part. But slapping around an incompetent minion does not require a special council.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 05-28-2014, 06:58 AM
Care to explain why Scooter Libby went to prison when the leak was Richard Armitage? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I can take a guess, but no matter what Libby was offered up by Rove and Co.as expendable. They may or may not have known it was actually Arbitrage at the time, but it deflected off the real folks who ordered the outing. It is exactly like a gang operates. Libby knew he was the fall guy, he took it for the good of the gang, and was rewarded in one way or another that we are unlikely to know. Are you really that clueless? Or is it blind? The inner circles of both parties are exceedingly similar in that way to street gangs.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I can take a guess, but no matter what Libby was offered up by Rove and Co.as expendable. They may or may not have known it was actually Arbitrage at the time, but it deflected off the real folks who ordered the outing. It is exactly like a gang operates. Libby knew he was the fall guy, he took it for the good of the gang, and was rewarded in one way or another that we are unlikely to know. Are you really that clueless? Or is it blind? The inner circles of both parties are exceedingly similar in that way to street gangs. Originally Posted by Old-T

We who followed this stuff knew it was Armitage before Libby was found guilty. So why was Armitage not indicted? And being a p.o.s. that he is, EVA thinks it's funny when an innocent person goes to prison. So much for being a liberal EVA and we don't want you either.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You all remember 2003, Bush started the year looking for some intelligence to "cherry pick" so he could invade Iraq for the oil. Hillary, John Kerry, and John Edwards were on board because of their statements during the days of Bill. Then along come the Washington Post story about CIA operative Valerie Plame. She was the wife of Joe Wilson, a democrat, who was sent to Niger by Bush to get the goods on Hussein and "yellowcake". He came back and lied about Hussein trying to buy "yellowcake" (that's uranium by the way). He went to the press (in case anyone was not watching) and said that Bush had outed his wife because he didn't do what Bush wanted. Long story short, a special prosecutor was called to indict Bush and Cheney but instead Scooter Libby went to prison for forgetting about a conversation that he had had two years earlier. His procedural sin was enough to convict him, not for the crime (which was committed by Richard Armitage) but because he was "obviously" covering something up by not remembering a 10 minute conversation. Remember Libby was not the leak, Armitage (friend of Colin Powell and not Dick Cheney) was the admitted leak that was confirmed by Bob Novack. Yes, the good old days when scandals broke out for errors.

Cut to today, the White House puts out a list of all the people meeting with Obama on his "secret" trip to Afghanistan to meet the troops (and to cover up his involvement in VA GATE (couldn't resist). On that list , put out by the White House, is the name and title of the CIA station chief in Kabul.....wow! If the terrorists know that then he (or she) is a dead person. There it was, twice, on the list put out by the White House. Someone in the White House had just put a target on the back of a CIA patriot in a very dangerous place. Whereas Plame was an analyst in Virgina going to dinner parties when she was "outed", this poor guy is in a war zone surrounded by bad guys who may be your friends today.

Where is the outcry? The hue and shouts of the outraged? Doesn't the past show that we need a special prosecutor to get to the bottom of this and send someone to jail? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wrong douche-bag. I'm not going to go through the particulars of the evidence or charges. If you think he was convicted because he forgot about a statement, I can see why you hate the America you live in.
The arrogance of ignorance.. You think you know so much about so many things. In reality you know very little about most things.
That's why you're a nobody from nowhere having not the slightest influence or impact on anything.
Please list your credentials if I am in error.