Review- Stood up by provider

Date: 5-29-2014
Provider: KaitlynDior
Phone: 8327380196
Email Address:
URL / Website: -
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: 59 south / richmond
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Unknown
Session Length: 1 hr
Fee: Unknown
Hair Color and Length: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Unknown/ did not see her.
Recommendation: No
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
I have always had a good experience with Miss Kaitlyn. She always took good care of me. Btw, as a rule of thumb I always try to make sure to confirm an appointment with a provider before driving there. Ijs. If a provider does not confirm an appointment with the hobbyist, then there was never officially an appointment. Before I even drive to the incall, I always make sure that we have both confirmed our appointment. Sometimes we fail to confirm the appointment with the provider and sometimes it's because we failed the screening process and sometimes a lady just changed her mind.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
NC/NS go in Co-Ed
Moved here...
drax1's Avatar
  • drax1
  • 05-30-2014, 10:05 PM
Funny thing is if he called later to "work it out" she would have probably been more than willing. And if you did call to work and out and nothing then definitely a nc/ns review. I would make it up to someone if it were me, but not after a crybaby review.
With 1 review and less than a month in...I would have thought twice about posting this.

Way to go Ace...
I know things can happen but I have never had a problem with her even when I sprang it on her short notice JS
Well a crybaby I may be , but the facts are the facts, and as I am sure that everyone knows that this boards policy restricted how I could write the post. There is a lot more to the story that the preponderance of the evidence would weigh heavy in my favor, however, I understand that people that read my post can not see her side of the story and my post was heavily restricted due to policy . I am not sure why someone would assume that my story is flawed,because this is my 1st post here, and that somehow that reduces the credibility of the post. Everyone can assume whatever they want to. It is unfortunate that it occurred, but if I did not tell the story some other hobbyist may experience the same game. I get a lot value of what other hobbyist write about providers in their arrangements they experience, and think that it is an assets for both the provider and the client to have as much information at their disposal about hobby encounters.
poppy71's Avatar
She had a history of ncns before and seemed to turn it around. Just because some of you have seen her and had fun does not discredit his encounter. Hopefully she will contact you to make it right...if she ncns him why should he call her to work it out?
Dorian Gray's Avatar
With 1 review and less than a month in...I would have thought twice about posting this. Originally Posted by SNL9933
She had a history of ncns before and seemed to turn it around. Just because some of you have seen her and had fun does not discredit his encounter. Hopefully she will contact you to make it right...if she ncns him why should he call her to work it out? Originally Posted by poppy71
Yep. She redeemed herself nicely, but that doesn't mean she can't flake out again (heck, my wife does it consistently!).

The OP seems to indicate she strung him along while she was ncns'g him. Not sure how much more detail he can provide but perhaps he can clarify this a bit more.
Prime Time's Avatar
Her pimp is a Rhodes Scholar.
With 1 review and less than a month in...I would have thought twice about posting this.

Way to go Ace... Originally Posted by SNL9933
Yep .........