Good Kissers

Reincarnated's Avatar
I have been looking for providers who like to DFK and are good at. Not the stick you tongue down my throat but done in a sensuous way. To me, it really takes the session to the next level. Who do you like? Since my ATF is off travelling, I need some advice from our board members...

Thanks guys..
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
MMMMHMMMM nothing gets a motor purring like a good old-fashioned make-out session!!! Did you know that both my paternal grandparents are French? Yeahhh... That explains a LOT! lol


Reincarnated's Avatar
Why doesn't surprise me Kat? lol
Carl is not bad.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I LOVE to kiss...if the other person knows what they are doing.confidence is key.soft sensual a little tongue mmmm..gets my motors running everytime
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 10-01-2010, 05:53 PM
Carl is not bad. Originally Posted by Artie Lange
Fuck you. I'm awesome.
I love make out sessions, makes ya feel like high school lovers. Hot passionate deep and soft kisses, with hands running thru your hair while the others arms are wrapped around you...yeah I like that
Oh hell yeah! A great thread. Thanks for starting it. This is one I can follow.
sixxbach's Avatar
A pretty spinner like Darien would fit what you are looking for IMHO....

harkontume's Avatar
Michelle Sandra Bell is the best kisser I have found.
Noelle is a good kisser,
Carl is not bad. Originally Posted by Artie Lange

But I wish he'd spit out his chew beforehand!

angler's Avatar
As a non-smoker let me add that nothing can spoil it as much as a mouth full of cigarette smell and taste. Be careful about that if you smoke.
derek303's Avatar
I've had many great ones but if I have to choose a couple that made me feel I was the only one in the world for her it would be Amerie. KLK was wilder but made me feel the same way.
cheater's Avatar
Carl you whore . Kelli is the one. That girl can lay it down on you. She can make you cream in your pants. I love to kiss. Man I miss that girl. Wahhhhhhh