maybe some providers like seeing guys with fewer references which suggest that either they (a) are more likely to become regulars, or (b) more cautious on who they see? I dunno. I like providers who don't see too many guys in a trip. Less of a commodity exchange and also more likely to keep me safe. I would think most people wouldn't care or would want more, but there could be a line. She's trying to stay safe, too...
Originally Posted by IABart
I understand but OMG I have 28 ok's in roughly 3yrs. Many of those are when I visit Vegas (7 trips & probably at least half my ok's?). I'm betting she's seen more guys than that JUST THIS YEAR! Any lady that only sees 28 guys in 3yrs better have a good full-time job. Plus her being in Vegas & me in Iowa, not much chance of me being a regular lol. BTW, how do YOU know how many guys they see in a trip, a week, a month, etc? I don't see anything on P411 that says how many ok's they've given? I'm not a big fan of Humaniplex but you can see how many guys a lady has rated on there & when she rated them. Me, I could care less about that. A non-factor. Just my opinions. Sorry if I've hijacked this thread, certainly didn't mean to.