walkin' dude, which free texting apps do you use and/or recommend?
are you on an android, windows or iOS based phone?
after using the app, any traces left behind on the phone or on the phone's bill logs?
Originally Posted by pmdelites
I'll be speaking from Android experience.
*Most* text applications bury their text message database DEEP within system files. Under normal circumstances, they cannot be opened and read easily. If you have someone digging in this deep to get them, you're probably already boned.
You can keep GV in do not disturb mode online unless you're actively using it. That keeps GV from forwarding text or calls to your phone.
Originally Posted by Adonis
You can lock your GV app and turn off text and vm notifications. I enable the do not disturb as to not recieve calls as well. I change the settings when I want to make a call from GV but I can send and recieve text anytime.
Originally Posted by dongeykong
Woah now boys, back this train up. There are lots of things you can do to tweak GV. The idea behind this method (vs yours) is so that you dont' have to constantly have the GV running and risk someone seeing it active on your phone. One of the most important things to remember about it is, you can send texts over the internet without an app. You can do this via PC or you can browse to the below web address on your phone and send texts from your GV # via your phones browser.
First, get you a GV #.
Log on to
Upper right hand corner, click the gear looking icon and choose settings
I'd suggest unchecking these two boxes you see.
The first is kinda useless unless you use Google Chat (meh).
The second will prevent ANYTHING being sent to your phone and number that is tied to the account. Using the GV App or browsing to the google.com/voice address will be the only way to use GV from your phone at this point.
what this means:
You can have your normal phone doing it's normal thing. Boot up your GV App and go through the steps when logging in, use the app, and enjoy. Log out of the app when done and no one is the wiser. There are no text traces, that I'm aware of, on your phone at this point.
***NOTE: Be sure to uncheck the 'send texts to this phone' popup when signing out of the GV app***
Also, when going through the steps you can select "Ask every time I make a call" and, before you make a call, you'll be prompted to make a call with or without GV. Without GV calls from your regular number. With GV calls from your GV number.
WARNING: These call logs are saved as under your normal call logs. Be sure to delete them when done.
***NOTE: I do not know if these calls show up on your actual bill/log.***
Other settings/tabs: You really don't need to worry about anything except for the Voicemail/Text. In this, you can opt to have texts forwarded to your email linked with GV. Use that at your own risk.
That said, Calls has the option on what to display when you get a call while having your GV active. This, however, is irrelevant should have have unchecked the option mentioned earlier about not forwarding anything to your regular phone.
How can this bite me in the ass?
You need to have your GV's email address tied to your phone under Google Accounts. If someone were to ever figure out which email is tied to a GV number and see that on your phone, they could put 2 and 2 together.
How do I save my butt?
"This is just a random email address I created to give out to spam places or random people. I keep it on my phone on the off chance I get something important." Who gives a shit about your spam email account? People will actually think that's a good idea. After all, who wants to give their most used/personal email to magazine sites to get a free magazine and constantly get spam!?