A) When its 10am yet you seek an appointment at 10:30am
B)Wanting to meet within an hour to catch a "special"
Just a word of advice for the happy hobbyist wanting to meet a provider like, immediately LOL. If the number is listed , chances are the provider knows this, and has it as convenience for the last minute hobbyist.
I think we all as providers have guys wanting to have had an appointment at 12pm but, after ending the office 9-5 and finally able to see inbox, we are too late, 12 noon was hours ago and both parties lose.
And I am sure gents get tired of waiting for a response, missing the special, and possibly "openings". Small mistakes like this shouldn't jeopardize your cock in the wet mouth of your desired provider.
In a nutshell,call or text for the impromptu nut.