I guess no one wants to buy her bullshit; much less read it !
LexusLover's Avatar
She hasn't even finished her "tour"!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
They should display it under "fiction" where it belongs.
They need to get another warehouse to stick all of these in, just like the one they stuck all of those "it takes a village" copies that the DNC bought up.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
she's going to sell so many books that if her book is discounted by 40% she'll still be richer than you....the long lines to buy her book has been a topic on most news shows....with the possible exception of faux news....
she's going to sell so many books that if her book is discounted by 40% she'll still be richer than you....the long lines to buy her book has been a topic on most news shows....with the possible exception of faux news.... Originally Posted by stevepar

Hold out till next week ... they will be discounted at 95% ... what a deal for a Ozombie.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hold out till next week ... they will be discounted at 95% ... what a deal for a Ozombie. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Brilliant, and so eloquently stated!

How long DID it take you to pay of YOUR student loans aGain, Slob?
Brilliant, and so eloquently stated!

How long DID it take you to pay of YOUR student loans aGain, Slob? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I was on a pay as you go program ... Shit Eater Ozombie.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you go Number 1 or Number 2?

It's obvious you neither paid nor went. You've got the comprehension of a garden plant, and the language skills of a doorknob.

But for the record, where did you attend college and what level of education did you reach? Understand that education isn't for everybody. Neither is higher brain function. Or controlled motor reflexes.
Apparently, Hillary never proof read/edited the draft of "Hard Choices" - the book written by Edward Widmer.
In her new book “Hard Choices,” former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly claims there were Marines guarding the U.S. embassy in Tripoli at the time of the infamous Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya–a statement that appears to contradict the sworn testimony of senior officers.

Gen. Carter Ham, the former commander of Africa Command, testified before Congress on June 26, 2013, “there was no Marine security detachment in Tripoli.”


"Hard Choices" the Hillary Clinton memoirs, NOT written by Hillary Clinton. Now on sale at Overstock.com:

$21.00....a 42% discount !

I B Hankering's Avatar
Apparently, Hillary never proof read/edited the draft of "Hard Choices" - the book written by Edward Widmer.
In her new book “Hard Choices,” former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reportedly claims there were Marines guarding the U.S. embassy in Tripoli at the time of the infamous Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya–a statement that appears to contradict the sworn testimony of senior officers.

Gen. Carter Ham, the former commander of Africa Command, testified before Congress on June 26, 2013, “there was no Marine security detachment in Tripoli.”


http://thelead.blogs.cnn.com/2014/06...ghazi-chapter/ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Once, there was a time when there was a chance that Hildabeast would stop lying: when she was dead and buried. Now, unfortunately, with a book, Hildabeast will keep lying from beyond the grave.
LexusLover's Avatar
I heard her (saw her lips moving as she said it) refer a reporter during a "book interview" with her to her book to get the facts on Benghazi. Something like ... you can read about it in my book ... and when informed it wasn't in there ... she responded that not all "intelligence" was free to disclose in a book to the public.

So did she think it was ok to put in her book and publicly disclose it, but when it isn't in her book then it was not disclosed because it was protected "intelligence"?

I'm sure Susan Rice can provide her "cover" for that dilemma.
jan-w's Avatar
  • jan-w
  • 06-11-2014, 04:01 PM
The book will be showing up at Dollar Tree in the near future...Buy One Get One Free...with the old hag herself signing copies...and getting dirty looks from the folks trying to nudge her out of the way to get to the cheese whiz.