The Repubs still do not understand how to conduct a poll.

From the YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS SHIT UP Department:

We all remember how Trendy and Company regularly relied upon flawed polling numbers during the 2012 general elections. How many times were we exposed to Trendy's flawed "Trending" projections? Apparently the Republican Party still has not figured it out. The House Majority Leader's stunning defeat yesterday serves as another example of the following:

"And many Republican pollsters already had a serious reputation problem from their 2012 performance."

From Politico:

Last Friday, Cantor’s campaign distributed an internal poll from John McLaughlin that showed him ahead 34 points over Brat. The firm, McLaughlin & Associates, said the margin of error for the May 27-28 survey was only 4.9 percentage points.

That same day, the Daily Caller published a poll from the new GOP firm Vox Populi that had Cantor ahead 13 points, 52-39, with 9 percent undecided.

House races are notoriously difficult to poll, but both of these surveys were embarrassingly wrong. And many Republican pollsters already had a serious reputation problem from their 2012 performance.

Brat won by 11 points, 55.5 percent to 44.5 percent.

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Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yet they continue to live and die by their "science."

makes perfect sense. Most of these daffy bastards think the earth was created in seven days and that dinosaurs walked with man.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Fact time Tampon, no one got it right including Politico (left leaning pollsters), NBC missed it, the AP missed it. I bet those facts hurt going in don't they Tampon. Always remember to apply some KY before inserting.
Looks like Cantor's polling team got it wrong - BIG TIME !

BigTex is on to something; something that the Tea Party has been telling the GOP.....your team of campaign advisors and consultants are giving you guys the wrong advice.

Consultants like Karl Rove have been wrong too many times to get another consulting gig IMO...let em go work for the Democrats ! But my guess is the Democrats are too fucking smart to hire the likes of Karl Rove consultants.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Breitbart Headline: Mainstream Media: We've should have read Breitbart News.

Then they would have been aware of the shouting going on during Cantor rallies and the anger. But they had a formula that always worked (until the day it didn't).