Legit Posting?

Hello, just wondering if this is a legit post. I am not finding anything on them through my google searches and searches on here.

sorry, not sure about them. I haven't noticed them here in Waco before, but then again im not a hobbyist. but if they are legit, what a pretty pair of young ladies!
tallliwhacker's Avatar
Why is this an alert?
Buckskin's Avatar
Alerting us as to how hot they are
Swordmaster69's Avatar
ML room post it be....why it a alert not one can tell....but there is no way in hell those ladies exist to me
See what i miss when i step away from my computer dag nabbit. lol
ffireman's Avatar
Moving from Alerts.

FYI, this area is reserved for "Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community"

ML is appropriate, Sword, as is CoEd/ISO. Moving it there where all can see it.

tallliwhacker's Avatar
tallliwhacker's Avatar
Hello, just wondering if this is a legit post. I am not finding anything on them through my google searches and searches on here. Originally Posted by Starbuck101
Helping the newbie.

You need help with Google, as it took me less than a minute to find out with Google all I needed to know.

Same pics are used in Brownsville, Tx; Palm Beach, Florida, San Diego, California, Los Angeles, California, New Jersey and more.. Different names in use and different phone numbers.

I pass.

Here is what I did in Google:

Opened the backpage ad.

Right click on one of the pics. In this case, I used this pic:

Selected "properties" from menu.
CTL+C ( copy command)

selected "images"
clicked on icon that looks like a camera
selected "paste image URL"
CTL + V (paste command)
ENTER (execute command)

Result: 63 returns from Cali to Florida to Jersey to the border in Texas. All ads using the same pic.

Hope that helps.