Are escorts who discriminate against their own race reverse racist?

Curious to hear these responses.. .
There is about 3,200 posts over here that I'm certain has broached the topic:

Nice try though.....
Similar but not the same...... reverse racism applies to all races. It will be a preference argument nonetheless and a lot of dishonesty. So, I agree it is a waste of time to discuss this. I will delete it, if possible.
It has been discussed within the Superthread. Read through the whole thing when you can. Lots of interesting posts merged into one spot.
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  • Old-T
  • 06-12-2014, 03:49 PM
Similar but not the same...... reverse racism applies to all races. It will be a preference argument nonetheless and a lot of dishonesty. So, I agree it is a waste of time to discuss this. I will delete it, if possible. Originally Posted by alias77
Don't let the title of the sticky thread fool you--all aspects are addressed, though obviously it is a LOT to read and wade through.

This is a business that fundamentally has a lot of preference and dishonesty--in lots of aspects, and by lots of people. It is certainly not limited to this one part, nor is it true that all preferences are dishonest.

Generalizing too much in this corner of the world almost always will lead you astray.
It is also a corner of the world filled with opinions and perspectives. One person's right is another person's wrong. One person's great experience is another person's marginal at best.
I know a few AA PROVIDERS who will or see an AA gentlemen
The usual definition of racism is treating people in a negative way based on their "race" ("race" is in quotes because as you know, there is only one human race).

Reverse racism is treating people in a positive way based on their "race."

Treating "white" people badly because they are "white" is NOT reverse racism. That's racism, not reverse racism.

Discriminating against one's own "race" is racism, not reverse racism.
  • jwood
  • 06-13-2014, 08:30 PM
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