Rick Perry compares alcoholism to homosexuality ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Sometimes, I'm so embarrassed that I'm in Texas, although I do love my state.


And of course, he has to state (in a speech in California no less) that alcoholism is a choice. Similar to that of being a homosexual.

I can assure you that if someone is an alcoholic, they do not choose to become one.

I cannot speak for being homosexual but seriously, doesn't this type of philosophical outlook just scream being completely dense and lacking social consciousness, if not worse?

The quote that he made was probably taken a bit out of context, and I get what he was saying but still. To be a governor and be so dumb?

Ugh. Would appreciate some opinions, even if they're negative.

I am trying to understand your comment:

"I can assure you that if someone is an alcoholic, they do not choose to become one." that seems to cut against everything AA thinks about alcoholics. In essence, you can choose to drink or not !

I think if you asked most alcoholics (in recovery) they would tell you "yes, my recovery depends on my choosing not to take a drink today."

BTW, most alcoholics will tell you that they are still alcoholics, but they just chose NOT to take a drink today !

One day at a time theory.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-12-2014, 08:58 AM

BTW, most alcoholics will tell you that they are still alcoholics, but they just chose NOT to take a drink today !

One day at a time theory. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And JD can tell you that he chose not to suck a dick today but he is still a homo!

From a conservative POV...it is not the governments business what one does in their personal life.
So you agree with Perry............homoism is a choice.

And JD can tell you that he chose not to suck a dick today but he is still a homo!

From a conservative POV...it is not the governments business what one does in their personal life. Originally Posted by WTF
Sometimes, I'm so embarrassed that I'm in Texas, although I do love my state.


And of course, he has to state (in a speech in California no less) that alcoholism is a choice. Similar to that of being a homosexual.

I can assure you that if someone is an alcoholic, they do not choose to become one.

I cannot speak for being homosexual but seriously, doesn't this type of philosophical outlook just scream being completely dense and lacking social consciousness, if not worse?

The quote that he made was probably taken a bit out of context, and I get what he was saying but still. To be a governor and be so dumb?

Ugh. Would appreciate some opinions, even if they're negative.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
Additional perspective:

If you are feeling queer today, have a drink.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I am trying to understand your comment:

"I can assure you that if someone is an alcoholic, they do not choose to become one." that seems to cut against everything AA thinks about alcoholics. In essence, you can choose to drink or not !

I think if you asked most alcoholics (in recovery) they would tell you "yes, my recovery depends on my choosing not to take a drink today."

BTW, most alcoholics will tell you that they are still alcoholics, but they just chose NOT to take a drink today !

One day at a time theory. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
What I meant is ... and I know that I didn't state my thoughts clearly, is that bottom lining it, having the alcoholic "gene" as it were (new alcoholic "speak" is referring it to being almost like an allergy), isn't a choice that an individual would make for themselves.

I think that one is probably born with the predisposition for alcoholism. I'm very close to the subject, actually.

As with homosexuality, I also think that it's something that well ... it's just hardwired for most people. I don't think that being a homosexual is a personal choice.

One can choose to not drink. One can choose to not fuck a person of the same sex.

But what's inside, the deep parts of your psyche, etc., aren't really up for the whole thing of "choice".

If a person is an alcoholic, and in recovery or trying to get there, each day (minute/hour and sometimes seconds) is a struggle to get to that point where you're not craving a drink.

And one has to repeat that mental process (whatever works for them, personally), and getting outside support (AA is one of them), to help with getting through those constant cravings, which tend to pop up again and again throughout the sobriety process, which will last a lifetime.

Completely different topic than a sexual desire for someone of the same sex. They do not intersect.

Being homosexual isn't a choice to me. It's just who the person is. It's an inherent trait.

Complicated topic.

Honestly, I just wanted to bitch about Rick Perry, who I've not admired for a very long time.

He should have never been governor. Texans are often perceived in an unflattering light. Perry doesn't do anything to change that perception when he opens up his mouth.

Or as people might write in this forum, his pie hole.

Nature or Nurture, it isn't the natural order of things............

No, homosexuals shouldn't be discriminated against, shouldn't be marginalized, and should have equal rights...........but it also shouldn't be normalized. And those who don't want to accept it should be free to follow their conscience with peace and no malice.

I am not surprised a San Francisco audience "gasped" at what Perry said...but come on, it isn't such a radical extreme belief.
This is a hilarious take I found on Twitter. Personally, I'm still waiting for some rentboy to out old Rick.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you think that what Perry said was taken out of context then why bother commenting on it unless you want to highlight that remark for abuse. You admit that you don't like Perry but what does anyone's opinion on either alcoholism or homosexuality have to do with governance on the presidential level? In the event he should find himself in the White House it is Congress that starts the ball rolling on laws or a social nature. On the conservative side that is usually left to the states to figure out. It is the left that runs to the Supreme Court for changes to laws when even the citizens oppose a new liberal law. (gay marriage, prop 8 in California, gun ownership, property rights in CT)
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If you think that what Perry said was taken out of context then why bother commenting on it unless you want to highlight that remark for abuse. You admit that you don't like Perry but what does anyone's opinion on either alcoholism or homosexuality have to do with governance on the presidential level? In the event he should find himself in the White House it is Congress that starts the ball rolling on laws or a social nature. On the conservative side that is usually left to the states to figure out. It is the left that runs to the Supreme Court for changes to laws when even the citizens oppose a new liberal law. (gay marriage, prop 8 in California, gun ownership, property rights in CT) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The chances of Rick Perry being in the White House are the same odds of a Blind Man walking into a dark room trying to find a Black Cat that isn't there.....
WTF do you mean in the event he might be in the White House- he has zero chance of even sniffing the POTUS seal.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This is a hilarious take I found on Twitter. Personally, I'm still waiting for some rentboy to out old Rick.

http://frontburner.dmagazine.com/201...homosexuality/ Originally Posted by Crystal Mess
That was funny.

Thanks, Barleycorn, for your statements.

Have a good day!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The chances of Rick Perry being in the White House are the same odds of a Blind Man walking into a dark room trying to find a Black Cat that isn't there.....
WTF do you mean in the event he might be in the White House- he has zero chance of even sniffing the POTUS seal. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Very funny. And I agree. I cannot see him being in the White House at all.

He didn't do well in the primaries the last time. And remember the debates?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That never stopped Hillary. She still thinks that she is the chosen one but the chosen one is in the White House right now.....well, I never chose him...
That never stopped Hillary. She still thinks that she is the chosen one but the chosen one is in the White House right now.....well, I never chose him... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
The chosen one, messiah,king you wingers have really blessed him with all these titles. LMAO