Gov Goodhair has words of praise for Hillary!

Perhaps Goodhair has decided his best chance of making it to the White House would be as Hillary's running mate.

From Politico:

By KATIE GLUECK | 6/12/14 9:58 AM EDT Updated: 6/12/14 10:47 AM EDT

Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a likely 2016 GOP contender, had words of praise for an unlikely subject on Wednesday: Hillary Clinton.

According to the Los Angeles Times, he called Clinton — a potential Democratic presidential front-runner in 2016 — a “very, very capable public servant, great secretary of state, first lady,” when asked what he thought about her at a Bay Area event.

His comments came as Clinton, whose new book was released Tuesday, has embarked on a book tour — and is serving as a lightening rod for criticism from much of Perry’s party.

Perry, who ran a 2012 presidential bid characterized by embarrassing missteps, has been seeking to refashion himself as wiser and more conciliatory in recent months, though he didn’t maintain the same moderate tone throughout the whole evening: That night he also likened being gay to alcoholism, according to local news reports.
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Perhaps Goodhair has decided his best chance of making it to the White House would be as Hillary's running mate.
Originally Posted by bigtex
OK - I had to laugh, because that is his best chance. Which is sad, because I like him and his politics.
Hillary is looking weak from all those book signings - maybe she is running out of the hatred of the right wing that fuels her fire?
Well there isn't anything wrong with him saying something positive and he may have been sincere. But on the flip side of that coin neither of them are in the running yet and it would be poor politics to spew out derogatory comments. As far as Perry being Hillary's running mate well that's not a happening thing not unless Perry wants to commit political suicide and change parties and that would make them both look stupid.

As far as Perry being Hillary's running mate well that's not a happening thing not unless Perry wants to commit political suicide and change parties and that would make them both look stupid.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jimbo, apparently you failed to detect a slight hint of sarcasm.
Jimbo, apparently you failed to detect a slight hint of sarcasm. Originally Posted by bigtex
Nope I sure didn't, but I am still right they both would look stupid. In fact I think it would be a hysterical skit for SNL, lol.

In fact I think it would be a hysterical skit for SNL. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin