NC/NS Nadia Wilde

Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Well it was bound to happen to me eventually.
I set up an appointment via p411 for 9AM today and she asked me asked to text her at 8 to make sure she was awake. A text here, a call there waited until at least 9:30 which is longer than I usually wait and still nothing but radio silence.
IDK if she was on anyone's radar but she's fallen off mine.
mr666's Avatar
  • mr666
  • 06-13-2014, 05:01 PM
Unless you drove out to a location it technically isn't a nc/ns, From what you said, not sounds like she flaked out on you; that's still a pretty rotten thing to do.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Umm, it doesn't matter if I drive out to a location or if she didn't either. The definition is pretty simple.
She didn't respond (actually she has, hours later) at the time we agreed to meet. Hence the No Show of the NC/NS.
And for the record I drove halfway, stopped for breakfast then attempted to confirm she was awake as asked. Got nothing but radio silence.
Radio silence = NC/NS