help with Google Voice

I searched but wasn't having any luck. I have cheap hobby phone and a personal iPhone. I'd like to set up at google voice account that is associated with my hobby phone number, but be able to login and make/receive calls from my iPhone (instead of hobby phone) via the google voice app so they appear from my hobby number (or google voice number). Is this possible?


Check out some of the phone apps in of them may let you use an existing number.....
mike.anthony1983's Avatar
Bmyguest's Avatar
Yes, DL the google voice app from App Store.
Then log into your google account from the app and use the number of your hobby phone.
Just use the app for outgoing call/txt messages.
However, you can get a google voice number by itself and won't have a need for the hobby phone. The google number is free.
I make outbound calls from mine and the caller ID shows my google number. You can manage the number from your online account to forward text to your real phone but I choose to have mine stay within the google voice app.
dynamitekid's Avatar
You would have to port your hobby number into google voice.
I've never tried this, so I don't know how difficult it would be from a cheaper hobby phone.

After that is done, it is just a matter of downloading it on the iphone and adjusting the settings so your GV number shows up in caller ID.
  • jwood
  • 06-18-2014, 02:29 PM
I would like to do this too but I don't want the google voice apt showing on my phone, could raise questions. Is this possible. Would like to change too I have an old hobby phone and I can't text for shit on it. Also it's .20 cents a text. Its a pain in the ass to buy phone cards.
dynamitekid's Avatar
Looks like you can possibly port a hobby phone number to GV.
I'll be honest: I don't know that much about hobby phones anymore, so I won't be guaranteeing it is easy.

The app icon is gonna show on your can hide it deep in some random folder and it will work fine, though.

I would like to do this too but I don't want the google voice apt showing on my phone, could raise questions. Is this possible. Would like to change too I have an old hobby phone and I can't text for shit on it. Also it's .20 cents a text. Its a pain in the ass to buy phone cards. Originally Posted by jwood
JCM800's Avatar
You can always uninstall your GV app when not in use.

Just download and re-install when needed.
I love google voice.

However there are some things to be careful of. And I mean this is REALLY important. When you're on your computer and you're setting it up, make sure you go into the options and tell it that you DO NOT want it to fwd your text messages to your cell phone's inbox. If you have that setting checked, it won't matter if you delete the app or not, your GV txts will get sent to your real number.

Also make sure you tell it not to email you transcripts of voice mails. Same thing for emailing you about missed calls.

Mess up with any of that and you might be wishing you had stuck with the hobby phone.
dynamitekid's Avatar
All of the above is the #1 thing: make sure that you have it set to show your GV number on outbound calls
roll_with_me's Avatar
I would like to do this too but I don't want the google voice apt showing on my phone... Originally Posted by jwood
There are free Android apps that will let you hide applications. I would hope you could find similar apps for your iphone.

I use a google voice number for my primary phone number. There are a number of features that are helpful, but as one other other posters mentioned be careful how you set up the account.

I used to switch my google voice number between phones all the time, but a few years ago I ran into a glitch and almost lost my google voice number. I got locked out of voice number. I had to decide do i want to talk to someone and have them learn my ultra private number or just not talk to anyone. It took about a day to have the number reset.
Just thought I would let ya'll know that GV is apparently out of new numbers, so if you don't already have one, you'll be needing an alternate plan.
lyn.xes's Avatar
I use GV as my primary phone # for many years, don't share cell number with anyone since I consider it a throwaway #, cell phones, and their # have changed but not my primary#. well now I am starting to get into the hobby, I got a second GV # been able to log in via the website to do texting (iPhone - safari) but can't do voice calls that way. one cant have two GV# associated with one cell #. to be honest I have not logged out of the GV app (primary) and then logged in with (hobby) to make call not sure if it would work that way. does anyone know? I've been trying to keep them as separate as possible. also I have noticed that one is able to determine other GV # while reviewing contacts.

I was thinking of getting a Skype number, that way I would be able to login and out as needed in the app, should be able to send and receive voice calls and texts when needed in most areas (I think). the Skype number does have a cost with it but cheaper then a separate hobby phone (probably). using a Skype# should prevent others from finding out the type of #, (cell, GV, Skype, or even landline) what are your thoughts on this?

I have a problem receiving photo txt into my GV#. it seems ATT does not work with GV but T-Mobile does, GV forwards the photo to the Gmail account. can anyone confirm my assumption with this?

sorry if you think this thread was too old to revive but wanted to put in my two cents and my Q's.
dynamitekid's Avatar
You are correct lyn.xes...
T-Mobile and Sprint users can receive MMS (pics). Verizon and AT&T users still cannot.

Sprint (I think) is the only one you can SEND a pic from GV. But the GV account has to be linked to a Google Hangouts account.
dynamitekid's Avatar
Interesting....sounds like that can be a problem in bigger cities (like Dallas).
Have had no problems up in PA so I had not heard of that.

Just thought I would let ya'll know that GV is apparently out of new numbers, so if you don't already have one, you'll be needing an alternate plan. Originally Posted by honeydavis