Ladies, Undercover Cop WATCH OUT 214-7*6-9**8

AmazingAmber26's Avatar

I just wanted to let everyone know what happened to me last week.
I had a man schedule to see me, a newbie. I agreed to see him at 2 30.
Description: White, about 35 years+ old, Male 5' 8" or so. Not very tall. He is kinda stocky, not fat, but not skinny. He had a couple tattos, one on his arm and then a faded one on his ankle. He has brown hair, longer all one length and its curly/wavy. He slicked it all back but I noticed him messing it up and rearranging it when we were leaving my apartment (i was being arrested and taken to jail) where he came to visit me at.
He has fair skin, and small feet and wears red and black ? ASCIS, that brand of tennis shoe.
His phone number is 214-7*6-9**8 and he goes by the name C***.

He was nice until it came time to turn over for me to massage his front, then he got really LOUD and said "So, I get a Handjob for $150? right? I told him all my information was in my posting. He got loud and aggressive with me, saying it different ways, I told him he was scarring me and that we needed to end the session. He jumped up quick, Started coughing really loud and obnoxious.
I felt threatened and was very scarred.

Please understand also, that I am not a full service provider, and I told him this, "that my panties don't come off" so he was naked and I was not.

He has the Littlest ** that Ive ever seen. Clearly the guy has a small ** complex. I was insulted he thought I would touch it. eeeeewwwwww!!!

He called in two undercover cops with their faces covered with black material.
One man was black, about 5' 10", the other ? i don't know.

They charged me with Massage with no license. Upon my arraignment they raised it to prostitution. A charge i will be fighting.

Look out ladies. They are out there ready to entrap, intimidate, and do what ever they can to hurt us.

Hope this helps someone.


Staff Edit: Please do not post phone number or name without masking. PM the OP for additional info, CZ
Sorry you had this happen to you. Good luck

roxy28's Avatar
by chance... were you working in arlington when this happened? just curious
Sorry that happened to you. It sounds totally horrifying. I would suggest getting an office space. I know providers that have offices so that the traffic coming and going won't potentionally raise neighbors eyebrows. That in itself can get the ball rolling for arrest. Also I suspect if anyone of us happened to be in a similar situation, I for one for future safety and privacy reasons would no longer post my entire face. I know that's preference, but our safety and peace of mind should come first. I hope you are able to move from there and live in peace.