What did we learn?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The "mastermind" of Benghazi (which is a fake scandal) is a former inmate of Gitmo. Yes, Ahmed Abu Khatallah was once a guest of the US government but he was released in the Bush years. Now some of our leftist breathern will be dancing around like (as Slim Pickens says) "a bunch of Kansas City faggots" but they will miss the lesson. Bush released this guy without knowing what would happen but found out that he was part of the 30%. Obama KNEW that something like that could happen and did it anyway. Obama missed the lesson and didn't learn anything from the Bush years.

Another thing, the timing is really coincidence isn't it. Like Bergdahl, the White House has tacitly admitted that they knew where this terrorist was for some time but did nothing about it. Hell, even the reporters could find this guy but the combined intelligence services of the United States came up empty. So now when Obama really needs a diversion, here we go. Of course the only evidence we have that this is THE mastermind is the word of the White House. I need something else.

I'm glad we got the piece of shit but I hate being played by those bastards in the White House. Unlike the Obamatons I don't like being played with by liberals.
The "mastermind" of Benghazi (which is a fake scandal) is a former inmate of Gitmo. Yes, Ahmed Abu Khatallah was once a guest of the US government but he was released in the Bush years. Now some of our leftist breathern will be dancing around like (as Slim Pickens says) "a bunch of Kansas City faggots" but they will miss the lesson. Bush released this guy without knowing what would happen but found out that he was part of the 30%. Obama KNEW that something like that could happen and did it anyway. Obama missed the lesson and didn't learn anything from the Bush years.

Another thing, the timing is really coincidence isn't it. Like Bergdahl, the White House has tacitly admitted that they knew where this terrorist was for some time but did nothing about it. Hell, even the reporters could find this guy but the combined intelligence services of the United States came up empty. So now when Obama really needs a diversion, here we go. Of course the only evidence we have that this is THE mastermind is the word of the White House. I need something else.

I'm glad we got the piece of shit but I hate being played by those bastards in the White House. Unlike the Obamatons I don't like being played with by liberals. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Aren't you one of the Kansas City faggots? Olathe is in KC Even if they are cake eaters.
I think the media interview OBL severall times, but no one could find him either.
The "mastermind" of Benghazi (which is a fake scandal) is a former inmate of Gitmo. Yes, Ahmed Abu Khatallah was once a guest of the US government but he was released in the Bush years. Now some of our leftist breathern will be dancing around like (as Slim Pickens says) "a bunch of Kansas City faggots" but they will miss the lesson. Bush released this guy without knowing what would happen but found out that he was part of the 30%. Obama KNEW that something like that could happen and did it anyway. Obama missed the lesson and didn't learn anything from the Bush years.

Another thing, the timing is really coincidence isn't it. Like Bergdahl, the White House has tacitly admitted that they knew where this terrorist was for some time but did nothing about it. Hell, even the reporters could find this guy but the combined intelligence services of the United States came up empty. So now when Obama really needs a diversion, here we go. Of course the only evidence we have that this is THE mastermind is the word of the White House. I need something else.

I'm glad we got the piece of shit but I hate being played by those bastards in the White House. Unlike the Obamatons I don't like being played with by liberals. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
You're not glad we got the piece of shit. You're only concern is how to blame President Obama for everything adverse that happens on the face of the earth. When can we expect your report that Obama had clouds seeded over Nebraska the other day to cause those tornados?

Fuckin dunce.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're not glad we got the piece of shit. You're only concern is how to blame President Obama for everything adverse that happens on the face of the earth. When can we expect your report that Obama had clouds seeded over Nebraska the other day to cause those tornados?

Fuckin dunce. Originally Posted by timpage
There should never have been a "Benghazi", Little Timmy-tard! That's what you and the other lib-retarded fuck-ups in the forum don't grasp. Odumbo and Hildabeast sat on their fuckin' hands and didn't take precautionary action despite ample warning of impending violence, Little Timmy-tard!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-18-2014, 10:39 AM
We should have never been in Libya would be my point but once there shit do happen. We lost 4k plus troops in Iraq....another place IMHO we should not have been.
cowboy8055's Avatar
We should have never been in Libya would be my point but once there shit do happen. We lost 4k plus troops in Iraq....another place IMHO we should not have been. Originally Posted by WTF
Libya is complete chaos. They were better off under Gaddafi.
Iraq was better off under Saddam. Same thing will happen in Syria if Assad gets ousted. Our foreign policy in the Middle East is a disaster.

We have Zbigniew Brzezinski to thank for that. It was his idea to create the Mujahideen during the Carter adm. They would later spawn the Taliban and Al Qaeda. His basic philosophy towards the Middle East is one of destabilization. We've adopted that policy ever since. He acts as an advisor to Obama. How this lunatic is allowed near the White House is beyond me.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Libya is complete chaos. They were better off under Gaddafi.
Iraq was better off under Saddam. Same thing will happen in Syria if Assad gets ousted. Our foreign policy in the Middle East is a disaster.

We have Zbigniew Brzezinski to thank for that. It was his idea to create the Mujahideen during the Carter adm. They would later spawn the Taliban and Al Qaeda. His basic philosophy towards the Middle East is one of destabilization. We've adopted that policy ever since. He acts as an advisor to Obama. How this lunatic is allowed near the White House is beyond me. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
As much fun as it is to heap abuse on Jimmy "the Peanut", the Big Four: Wilson, David Loyd George, Clemenceau and Orlando, fucked up that region at Versailles.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I would take the progressive Wilson off the list of the Big Four. He tried to limit the damages to Germany but the Europeans wanted to set up for the next war and he got overruled. Now Wilson was behind "self determination" which gave us the Polish Corridor, Austria, the excuse of the Sudetenland, and that whole mess called Yugoslavia. Domestically Wilson also gaves us "Ma Bell" and domestic spying.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I would take the progressive Wilson off the list of the Big Four. He tried to limit the damages to Germany but the Europeans wanted to set up for the next war and he got overruled. Now Wilson was behind "self determination" which gave us the Polish Corridor, Austria, the excuse of the Sudetenland, and that whole mess called Yugoslavia. Domestically Wilson also gaves us "Ma Bell" and domestic spying. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Wilson belongs on the list. He was a racist, so he ignored "self-determinism" for peoples other than Europeans; thus, allowing Britain, France and Italy to divide the imperial spoils of war among themselves. The Japanese were subsequently seriously alienated, as was, among others, Ataturk and Ho Chi Minh.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wilson was a racist (Birth of a Nation was the first movie shown in the White House) and a segregationist but I was speaking specificially about reparations by the Germans. He didn't think that the Germans were the big bad guys like they were in WW II. They were just one of many idiots who fought and they lost.
Libya is complete chaos. They were better off under Gaddafi.
Iraq was better off under Saddam. Same thing will happen in Syria if Assad gets ousted. Our foreign policy in the Middle East is a disaster.

We have Zbigniew Brzezinski to thank for that. It was his idea to create the Mujahideen during the Carter adm. They would later spawn the Taliban and Al Qaeda. His basic philosophy towards the Middle East is one of destabilization. We've adopted that policy ever since. He acts as an advisor to Obama. How this lunatic is allowed near the White House is beyond me. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
No, we have George Bush, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and the rest of the neo-cons to thank for that. And, the rest of the entire fucked up mess that is the Middle East these days. Remember Shrub talking about how we were gonna import democracy to the middle east? Didn't quite work out that way, did it?

They are fucking nuts and we should have nothing to do with them.....other than a plan to kill them if they fuck with us. I said this already.
Libya is complete chaos. They were better off under Gaddafi.
Iraq was better off under Saddam. Same thing will happen in Syria if Assad gets ousted. Our foreign policy in the Middle East is a disaster. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
I've never understood why we ousted him. Gaddafi finally came to a terror agreement and was paying billions in fines and the BP oil was flowing. He probably would had crush the rebels if we didn't arm them illegally. Anyone else see where he was building a megamillion dollar complex in NJ?

He was a bad guy but in the last few year of life he seemed to be doing everything we had him agree to.
cowboy8055's Avatar
No, we have George Bush, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and the rest of the neo-cons to thank for that. And, the rest of the entire fucked up mess that is the Middle East these days. Remember Shrub talking about how we were gonna import democracy to the middle east? Didn't quite work out that way, did it?

They are fucking nuts and we should have nothing to do with them.....other than a plan to kill them if they fuck with us. I said this already. Originally Posted by timpage
The warmongering sociopath neo-cons certainly deserve their share of criticism. Our crazy policy of Middle East intervention pre-dates Bush. This has been going on for a long time.

On a side note, please tell me your avatar is an actual eccie provider.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I've never understood why we ousted him. Gaddafi finally came to a terror agreement and was paying billions in fines and the BP oil was flowing. He probably would had crush the rebels if we didn't arm them illegally. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Apparently he was trying to form a coalition with other countries to move away from the dollar in regards to oil trade. He wanted to develop an African currency called gold dinar. That would be seen as a threat to the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, we have George Bush, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and the rest of the neo-cons to thank for that. And, the rest of the entire fucked up mess that is the Middle East these days. Remember Shrub talking about how we were gonna import democracy to the middle east? Didn't quite work out that way, did it?

They are fucking nuts and we should have nothing to do with them.....other than a plan to kill them if they fuck with us. I said this already. Originally Posted by timpage
Except, as you forget to point out, the Bush plan called for a status of forces agreement with troops to stay in place to safe guard the experiment in democracy. Don't blame the head chef when the trainee changes the recipe.