Gents do you prefer...

When a lady is looking to visit from another city, do you prefer that she
a. Posts a few days in advance, a week, or even two?
b. Just post when she's in town?

I'm aware a lot of guys don't bother booking because sometimes the ladies don't actually make it to the city they plan to tour. But, for those whom have booked hotels and are really looking to travel, we look for pre bookings or a sign of interest. lol

Please comment and let me know the best way to tackle touring to New Orleans or Baton Rouge! Ladies chime in and let me know what has worked best for you!

Personally speaking, a few days before...My schedule is so fluid that 2 weeks before would get lost in the shuffle..
turbo-dog's Avatar
My thoughts are 1 week before, then 2 days before arrival, then after arrival and check-in to hotel.
Max Steed's Avatar
+1 Turbo

Preferably at least a week but as far out as possible when plans are known. It allows me time to adjust my schedule and regulate my hobby budget.

So many times I've seen a provider(s) and missed out on seeing somebody I've been wanting to meet because they've posted an ad the day of or before.

So the further out I know the better. I don't mind waiting a few weeks or more. I already have plans now for Late July with a couple providers who I want to see.
eholiday's Avatar
I prefer a week out at least. I hate it when a lady I really want to see comes in for 1 night and posts the afternoon she gets to town. 99.9999% of the time I cannot see them in those instances. Day before is almost as bad since my work requires me to work late nights often as well as a full day of work...
My thoughts are 1 week before, then 2 days before arrival, then after arrival and check-in to hotel. Originally Posted by turbo-dog
trekker's Avatar
Several times, I've had a "settle for" session only to see a provider I've been wanting to play with announce that she's just arrived. I think the best strategy is two ads, one a week before, the second a day before. A mod can chime in about whether it's within the rules, but a comment in your "day before" thread saying you've arrived seems it would be a good idea.
trekker's Avatar
BTW, if you have the idea to work BTR and NOLA on the same day, keep in mind that when people say NOLA is an hour from BTR, that's just from city limits to city limits. Door to door will be up to 2 hours or more.
I like the plan above, week, 2 days before and when she arrives. Also it is helpful if the threads mention dates in BR vs Nola, etc... Personally I dont understand the cancelled appointments thing. If I book with someone, I mean it and have cleared my calendar to make the date.
Thank you guys!
I'll plan accordingly moving forward.
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Thank you guys!
I'll plan accordingly moving forward.
Originally Posted by CelesteCarter
Hey Celeste: I would echo in general the comments from the other guys here. However, remember that New Orleans is NOT an easy place to book a room @ a reasonable rate @ the last-minute, due to two factors: one, NOLA, for a major destination, really isn't that big a city physically, and there are a limited number of hotel rooms (off-topic: I'm surprised Air Bnb doesn't make a fortune out of NOLA), and secondly, making the limited # of hotel rooms worse, there is ALWAYS a convention, event, festival, etc. going on here (aside from August & September, when it's really dead). That means if you're coming to NOLA, you really have to do some planning--it can be a difficult spur-of-the-moment destination for the ladies here depending on what is going on that particular weekend in NOLA. Good luck!
  • artax
  • 07-05-2014, 08:31 PM
I'd say a week or two- I agree with above hate when late notice and I already have other plans
AngeLisa's Avatar
I am coming to town, now dont say i didnt warn you gents :/