Glitch or is my phone shitting the bed?

Lexxxy's Avatar
I cant figure out if its a glitch, my phone, or this hotel's crap wifi. I tried to post a weekend ad twice and after i hit submit there's nothing. I'm afraid to post a third then have 3 all of the sudden appear, I'm already getting my balls busted for my ad misplacement yesterday.
Glitch or is my phone shitting the bed?

Convince us it's your phone shitting the bed....
This oughta be good.....
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I'm already getting my balls busted for my ad misplacement yesterday. Originally Posted by Lexxxy
It gets worse
elghund's Avatar
Glitch or is my phone shitting the bed?

Convince us it's your phone shitting the bed....
This oughta be good..... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

You don't sound creepy, whiney, lovey dovey or drunk.....stop disappointing the poor woman!


You don't sound creepy, whiney, lovey dovey or drunk.....stop disappointing the poor woman!

elg..... Originally Posted by elghund
I'm usually pretty drunck....
But not drunck enough to dial just ANYONES number....

Fuckin elg
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 07-03-2014, 08:43 PM
Phones don't work very well after they are dropped in volcanos and you put the fire out by throwing it into the Hawaiian surf.

Time for you to buy yourself a new phone.
Phones don't work very well after they are dropped in volcanos and you put the fire out by throwing it into the Hawaiian surf.

Time for you to buy yourself a new phone. Originally Posted by Tiger
Holy hyperbole Tig.....

Maybe the phone was just mistakenly sat on......
Lexxxy's Avatar
So do i hit submit a 3rd time in the weekend section and see what happens?
My ad Mix up got me interest for touring but nothing for this weekend which was the point of it
These poor sick bastards
Chica Chaser's Avatar
So do i hit submit a 3rd time in the weekend section and see what happens?
My ad Mix up got me interest for touring but nothing for this weekend which was the point of it Originally Posted by Lexxxy
You already know what will happen.
it might be the phone or the wifi...wait till you can use your ipad..which i know nothing about..cuz i dont have one..or wait till you can get to your computer to post..

i have noticed when i post from my phone i have to go back and fix the may wanna mind check yourself with may save ya the issues... aj