Yeah.. I had to choke on my own retirement crow. So next time, I'm just going to be gone. No fanfare, no thread... just gone.
Originally Posted by GracePreston
I share those things for LOB's and prefer to not disclose it on boards like these ... I don't think there's a such thing as free pussy anyways in some shape or form. When I retire, that means I've found the best,most financially supporting Lover and it's only him I want to provide for.
As for the ladies that have advertised so, I personally wouldn't do so myself, but I do understand it as a marketing technique, something no different than the white knight written reviews, endless thre-ADS ( shout out to wulf) , signatures, loud colors and super kinkiness that can always be typed up and created, yet never done, etc.
No different than groups like Destiny's Child and TLC claiming show "X" is their final performances together - it's all marketing and of course not true ( ok well obviously TLC won't ever be performing together ever again, but , we get the point!)
Is it the most savvy of all techniques? Maybe not. Maybe so.