Don't Die Around a Provider

unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 07-09-2014, 03:52 PM
WOW thats fucking horrible
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
What a truly despicable human being...
Centaur's Avatar

What a truly despicable human being... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
In my experience, most drug dealers are.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-09-2014, 05:02 PM
Sad...but while it will be spun otherwise due to the guys wealth... This is ultimately two introveinus drug users with a bad ending.

I doubt she forced the needle into his vein do you?

Yes...she should serve time...but he took the drugs willfully.
Hookers get legit murdered on the daily. I'm sure some OD and are abandoned at high rates as well. I guess if you're rich enough and white enough and male enough it's a bigger concern. Obviously it's a sensational story regardless of the above, and especially because of his status, so coverage makes sense.
harkontume's Avatar
Male enough ?
Yes, there is male privilege here, but there's more than just that. If Ann Coulter had a similar fate with a pool boy, there'd also be a big story. ESPECIALLY if he were brown.

But yes, shitty story regardless. Sad. Unfortunate. Despicable. My point was to remember all the ladies who meet the same fate on the daily. And to understand the risks we all take on the daily.
harkontume's Avatar
Jenns (never spit out that lollipop!)

You not only have a great head you give great head! (or is that the other way around?)

I still don't get your point.
Please explain how a dead guy is exercising male privilege.

If Hilary Clinton died due to a male escorts accidental overdose then he would be arrested.

Its not misogyny at work here it is money and visibility.
And a complete lack of understanding of this disease.

There are many women who die unnoticed and un mourned due to this disease.
There are also as many men who die the same way.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
At best she failed to "stop & render aid."

Dying from an overdose...... Pffffftttt
They're just not making old rich white guys like they use to.
The misogyny is this:
1) Non local news of a hooker fleeing and being called a horrible person on this board. (not misogyny).
2) Local girl getting shot after a grab and go at 3am. This very board saying "she got what she deserved. Crooks be shot. We believe the hobbyists story completely. Guess she got in the way of the bullet." (misogyny)
3) The juxtaposition of horror by some to the first story while being totally comfy with the second....THAT'S what makes this thread sit funny to me.

But, is a sad, terrible story. Ultimate party gone ultimately wrong. Bad moves by everyone. The other story I'm referencing was also terrible, sad, wrong.

ETA The privilege is in the media spin.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-10-2014, 09:02 AM
I chuckled at the part where she stepped over him to finish the wine.

If you've never been to that part of the country they make some damn fine pinot noir in the area.

Its to die for

Yikes…how about "Don't do drugs" for the title instead? or "Don't die at all"?
The news and courts are saying other men may have died in her presence, hinting that she is a serial killer. Gruesome stuff...
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 07-10-2014, 10:15 AM
I was with the legendary AMP girl Cindy in Dallas last year for a mind altering half hour...she said "next time schedule an hour so we can have more fun"

To which I replied

"If you promise not to kill me I will"

To which she said

"If you die,,you die"

I believed her