Some of us providers don't have any other skills to warrant us a good paying job.
This has been on my mind for weeks now.
I cant speak for all when I say this but...... I am sure that a decent provider can manage to get at least one appointment a day. Even if you only make $100 a day, 5 days a week; you make $500 a week for 5 hours or less of your time. This is almost 2 times the amount someone who works 40 hours a week scrubbing toilets or worse.
The income bracket ranges from income I just mentioned, to sometimes more than some hobbyist make.
This being said. I just cant fathom one of us being that hard up for cash. If you are wise with your money.
I say since I have so much time on my hands why not use a god given skill. Use your heart, and help someone who is waaaaay worse off than you. Do some volunteer work, organize a foundation, make someones day with out just your body part. Or even better, go to school and get an education.
I should get out of here fast huh? Before some one condemns me of being a socialist.