So what now?

Since the demise of ASPD, I tried to find some of my reviews that may have been cached by Google or archived some hidden place.

Well during my search I found old disgruntled members of ASPD that had vowed revenge and or prayed for the demise of ASPD.

Now that the 'P' is gone, What now?

Do they find another Board to hate?
Do they find other Moderators to hate?

I am just curious since their arch enemy has perished

PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-19-2010, 04:03 PM
They'll probably come to here and find something or someone to hate on. :P

That's what most internet-badguys do..
yardape's Avatar
REB, give us a head's-up, plz, if you spot a cache of our old ASPD reviews - preferably recent ones - stashed somewhere. Last I checked Wayback Machine, anything archived there is real stale, like in years. TIA
If your looking for old reviews you might ask the ladies these reviews were written about if they have copies. Many of us did copy them (minus the BCD of course) and other info. that would be good to have when we knew the site was shutting down.
ferdburf's Avatar
And don't forget, you might try googling "ASPD ProviderName" and then the results that say "cached" can yield what you're looking for.
I kinda feel sad my reviews are gone too. I feel like I have to start all over again. I have only had Indy status for 5 months. Half these guys probably have no idea who I am. I did save my reviews.

I agree with Tess. You should ask some of the girls you have reviewed if they have copies.
Before aspd perished I copied all of mine.

Love your haters they make you popular, lol!