Words you love and hate the sound of

I think we did this ages ago on ASPD and some of the words people disliked were pretty funny. I was reminded of it when PJ used the word "Crud"...always reminds me of cow poop (complete with offending smell) when hear that word

I really don't like the way the word "moist" sounds. For some strangely illogical reason it gives me goosebumps..and not in a good way. he way it rolls around the mouth is just so wrong. I'm sure I have more, but that's my number 1. You?
For me, it's mostly the mispronunciation of words that sounds to me like nails being scraped across a chalkboard.

My top offender: Those who pronounce "nuclear" as if it were spelled "nucular."

I have others, and as soon as they come to mind, I'll pop back here.

A word that sounds kewl to me: surreptitious. There's something surreptitious about the sound of that word.
John Bull's Avatar
Twat is the worst sex word for me.

Irregardless is ugly as well as just plain wrong.
smegma Originally Posted by dennisrn
dennisrn reminded me of one I could go either way on.
DallasRain's Avatar
I am with John..I hate the word TWAT & the word CUNT

I do however love the word F&CK!!! It just sounds so cool whenever used in a naughty way!!
Mazomaniac's Avatar
I am with John..I hate the word TWAT & the word CUNT Originally Posted by DallasRain
I'm not really bothered by either of those, but Mrs. Mazo certainly is. Using either of those words in her presence earns me a night on the sofa.

That's good in one way, though. I can tell when she's REALLY pissed at somebody (most usually me) because she only rolls out one of those terms when she means it. Let's me know when I have a chance to appeal and when I need to just accept the judgment and be happy about it.

Irregardless is ugly as well as just plain wrong. Originally Posted by John Bull

[BTW, is this a thread for effete snobs? LOL]
For me, it's mostly the mispronunciation of words that sounds to me like nails being scraped across a chalkboard.

My top offender: Those who pronounce "nuclear" as if it were spelled "nucular." Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Ugh! I agree! I had a college BioChem professor who used to say "New-que-lore" and it...drove..me...up..the...wal l!

I also cannot stand "cunt", "wad", and "p*ssy". That last one gets me...I just don't like the sound at all!

On the other hand, I love the sound of "succulent" and "silken". They just ooze sensuality without being overtly nasty. LOL.
oooh Nina..."succulent" is a brilliantly likeable word.
You suck the juice right out of it as you say it.

I also like "Aqua" and anything that starts with Aqua...no idea why, it just works for me.

Mispronounced words:

Agree with nuclear being mis-pronounced as nu-cu-lar
That is one thing Bush can be blamed for. I'll never forget him saying that lol. Kids are funny when they mis-pronouce things. When I nannied, the little girl asked me, "What are pricks?" erm....erm....show me the context?
Turns out she meant "Prix" as in Grand Prix. Bless 'em.

When I nannied, the little girl asked me, "What are pricks?" erm....erm....show me the context? Turns out she meant "Prix" as in Grand Prix. Bless 'em. C Originally Posted by Camille
You mean she followed Formula One? Woo hoo! Or that Bernie Ecclestone is a prick?!

Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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  • WTF
  • 10-11-2010, 03:28 PM
I maybe weird but I do not hate or love words Per se. Oh I love the way some people are masters of the spoken/written word. Two past posters come to mind, TheCasualObserver and Chloe Bancroft.

A word that will make you cringe in one setting is used for laughter in the next. They are like mercury in that regard and therefore kinda hard for me to pin down/pigeon-hole.
oooh Nina..."succulent" is a brilliantly likeable word.
You suck the juice right out of it as you say it.

I also like "Aqua" and anything that starts with Aqua...no idea why, it just works for me.

Mispronounced words:

Agree with nuclear being mis-pronounced as nu-cu-lar
That is one thing Bush can be blamed for. I'll never forget him saying that lol. Kids are funny when they mis-pronouce things. When I nannied, the little girl asked me, "What are pricks?" erm....erm....show me the context?
Turns out she meant "Prix" as in Grand Prix. Bless 'em.

C Originally Posted by Camille
Yeah, GWB sent me up the wall with that, but he wasn't the first, nor will he be the last. Just shows a basic lack of knowledge IMHO.

I can even tell one on me. In middle school I was giving a report on Michelangelo, and was talking about how he moved from Bologna (in Italy) to another city. I pronounced the city like you would the lunch meat. LOL. After all, it is spelled the same. The teacher interrupted me to correct the pronunciation to "Bolonya." I never went back to Boloney when talking about the city.
Oh that (Charles) reminds me of when someone described a work colleague as "air-roo-dit-tay". I asked him to repeat the word several times but I could still not figure out what he meant. After asking them to spell it I realized they meant, "Erudite." I suppose if you were trying to guess the french accent to it, that might be a reasonable guess...but it confused me for a few minutes.

i notice, and when i allow it, get irritated by words and phrases people use, especially phrases used incessantly and without thought in their speech patterns. (i allow pretty women to do just about anything and it never seems to irritate me.)

basically, its like this, you know what i mean?

(three examples right there).

and of course not to be slighted is the grating use of the word "myself", used incorrectly, frequently by athletes, as in "John threw the pass to myself and our team scored, well myself did actually".

of course the phrase "to be honest" is about the stupidest phrase ever devised (unless maybe you're WTF and you are trying to get real for once).

a mispronounced word i can live with more than a misused word, especially when someone is striving to seem intelligent.

on a related matter, the word "how" has always intrigued me. it seems a funny word and could be interpreted in ways the user never intended.

and then there are the words we never use or at least it seems they should be words, for example we use the word "inept" but does one ever say "ept"? there are a whole slew of such words. I seem to think about them as i run across them.