Any Big Brother super fans out there?

Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Big Brother is one of my favorite things about summer, any other fans out there and if so who are your picks?

boardman's Avatar
I watched it faithfully for the first 4 years. I was fascinated by the weekly dynamics. Everything got way too scripted and I lost interest.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I always think I won't like it when they announce the cast, but every year, I'm sucked in. This year is pretty funny, you should catch up! It's not too far in yet.
boardman's Avatar
Big Brother on Playboy TV...Now that I would watch.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I watched one season a long time ago and lost interest. A friend of mine is a super fan and subscribes to the Big Brother live feeds online where you can watch every camera 24/7 live and unedited and they tag anything of interest so you can watch daily highlights. So you can see all the shit the writers blow out of proportion and what is exaggerated and what isn't.

I think it's bizarre but strangely fascinating, my friend probably watches a few hours a day minimum during the season.
I think amber and paola are really a provider! She is too hott.
Nicole would be a good first timer too.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I subscribed to the live feed last year, it's really addictive, but you find yourself just watching a lot of things that don't really matter. It's better to watch when it's nearing the end.

There's a cop on this season & he's actually very good at the game, he's one of my picks for final four, if people don't figure out just how good he is. I also like Frankie, Donny is hilarious, but I think he's a lot smarter than he's letting on, he is a superfan.

Amber & Pao Pao wouldn't make good providers & you're right Nicole does have that really innocent look about her, I'd love to see her lose the big glasses.

I also think people will realize what a threat Caleb is and I don't see him making it all the way. Devin is nuts, lol. I read on a blog that he has ADHD, so that may be part of what's making him so paranoid and erratic...maybe they need to adjust his meds.

I have never made it through one episode of American Idol...

Big Brother, the longest I have ever watched is ten minutes....

There is to much good stuff on the " old folks channels" to watch that shiet.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
I cut cable, so I only watch things online. You really have to watch Big Brother long enough to figure out people's personalities before it really gets interesting.

It would be great to have an eccie x-rated version of Big Brother, can you imagine all the drama there would be, ha.