What it means to be his Mistress...
I cannot be controlling, but I must be in control.
I cannot change who he is, I must help him be the best version of himself that I can.
I cannot bully him, but I must discipline him.
I cannot abuse him, but he needs me to push his limits.
I cannot demean him, but I must correct him.
I cannot break his spirit, but I must guide him.
I cannot limit him, but I must protect him.
He must obey my will, but my will must be with his best interest in mind.
He is mine in every way, but I must earn his every day.
He submits to me, but I must not betray his trust.
He is my slut, but I must treat him like a prince.
He is at my service, but I must serve him first.
I must be loving, patient, understanding, strong, vulnerable, honest, kind, vigilant, stable, consistent, unselfish, caring, nurturing, fair, gracious, confident, compassionate, forgiving, firm, humble, anything he needs me to be, and above all I must be the best version of me I can be!
This is not my job, it is who I am. I am his Mistress...........