I have a friend who was busted in a sting. The add that he responded to was on back page no surprise on the sting. But after talking to him about the add he stated that add stated no black men wired in that fassion. Can LE desrciminate like that even if he if convicted on the solicitation charges could he sue for disrinstion or targeting ?
Originally Posted by dest
Man am I glad that I don't have any friends on ECCIE, they are always getting busted! Everyone is always looking for that magic bullet that let's them go. As an aside I don't think that you can claim discrimination unless you are in the group being discriminated against. Unless you, sorry, your friend, is African American you have no standing to sue. I'm not even sure that in this case it would be discrimination but even if it is the ad itself is set up for an illegal act. If the courts allow that, and make no mistake they do, do you really think that they would throw it out on a civil technicality?
By the way for the guy who is upset that they list your name if you are accused, not convicted but accused, well guess what? That's going to happen no matter the crime. Check your paper or TV news, so and so arrested for DUI, so and so arrested for possession, why not so and so arrested for prostitution?
I say it over and over, this hobby is illegal (in the US except in brothels in specific counties in Nevada). As long as the laws are on the books, and I really don't think that's going to change anytime soon, it will remain that way. As they say if you can't do the time don't do the crime. If an arrest is going to ruin your life, you'll lose your job, your family and your friends, then you either have to be very careful or maybe seek another way to get sexual release. You pays your money, you takes your chances.
But by all means if your friend wants to challenge the legality of this ad go ahead. It will probably cost a lot of money and if he thinks that he'll remain anonymous he's crazy but who knows?