One by one Obama is taking away your Bush talking points

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In 2001 George Bush was seated in a classroom of students when the attacks on 9/11 started. When he recieved the news of the attack and the car was being brought around Bush had to sit still for seven minutes while the children continued to read. The democrats and idiots like Tampon, FuckZup, and WTF have made hay of that moment with lies.

Now we have Obama upon hearing about an act of war over the Ukraine (probably not that big of a deal) and what does Obama do. Why he continues on to photo ops, fund raisers, and humorous speeches as if nothing had happened. In other words Bush times 100. Bush only sit still for 7 minutes but Obama has yet to change his official schedule of fund raisers and he has a vacation scheduled later this month. For the record Obama has attended 400 fund raisers so far while Bush only attended a little over 200 for his terms.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Don't forget the months he took to decided how he was going to cut and run out of Afghanistan.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-21-2014, 02:25 PM
How long did it take for you to Cut and Run from one of JD's sleepovers?
LexusLover's Avatar
How long did it take for you to Cut and Run from one of JD's sleepovers? Originally Posted by WTF
How long has it taken you to Cut and Run from using illegal aliens to help build houses for you? Oh, wait! I forgot. You pretend, like Obaminable, they don't exist!!!! Or ... it's not YOUR PROBLEM.
LexusLover's Avatar

"cutting" and "running"
I B Hankering's Avatar
Don't forget how Odumbo heard about the attack on Ambassador Stevens and the Benghazi compound -- an attack on American soil! -- and then Odumbo went to bed so he would be well rested for his campaign stop in Las Vegas the next day.
LexusLover's Avatar
Governor Perry ordered up the National Guard to the border.

First wave ... 1,000
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-21-2014, 07:08 PM
How long has it taken you to Cut and Run from using illegal aliens to help build houses for you? Oh, wait! I forgot. You pretend, like Obaminable, they don't exist!!!! Or ... it's not YOUR PROBLEM. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I is no more my problem than your illegal cook/busboy bringing down the cost of your meals when you go out to eat.
JD, that is what The Demagogue does. That is all he knows to do.
Wow, most stupid post of the year candidate....

Thousands of Americans died in a carefully orchestrated attack directed against us on 9/11.

Not one American died in an anti-aircraft missile shot at a Malaysian airliner that was probably mistaken or assumed to be an enemy aircraft.

Yes, clearly the two are comparable. At least in JD's simplistic mind.

Time to impeach, right? Fucking retards.
Governor Perry ordered up the National Guard to the border.

First wave ... 1,000 Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, all tuned up in his new eyeglasses designed to make him look like he isn't an idiot.

We'll see how this plays out. 1,000 barely trained national guardsman aren't going to make one bit of a difference on the border. This is Perry trying to look presidential instead of the incompetent boob who can't even remember what government programs he wants to dismantle.

He's an idiot. Just like you.
Don't forget how Odumbo heard about the attack on Ambassador Stevens and the Benghazi compound -- an attack on American soil! -- and then Odumbo went to bed so he would be well rested for his campaign stop in Las Vegas the next day. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Link ?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Governor Perry ordered up the National Guard to the border.

First wave ... 1,000 Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, all tuned up in his new eyeglasses designed to make him look like he isn't an idiot.

We'll see how this plays out. 1,000 barely trained national guardsman aren't going to make one bit of a difference on the border. This is Perry trying to look presidential instead of the incompetent boob who can't even remember what government programs he wants to dismantle.

He's an idiot. Just like you. Originally Posted by timpage

I think ALL states should send some National Guard troops to the border
Governor Perry ordered up the National Guard to the border.

First wave ... 1,000 Originally Posted by LexusLover
They have been bitching about this for a year, what took him so long?
boardman's Avatar
They have been bitching about this for a year, what took him so long? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Someone has to pay for it. Just guessing but based on what influx of illegals is costing the State it may make financial sense to put the troops on the border.

Of course it's most likely a political move on Perry's part but I'm sure he has some numbers to back up the financial burden, real or not.