In 2001 George Bush was seated in a classroom of students when the attacks on 9/11 started. When he recieved the news of the attack and the car was being brought around Bush had to sit still for seven minutes while the children continued to read. The democrats and idiots like Tampon, FuckZup, and WTF have made hay of that moment with lies.
Now we have Obama upon hearing about an act of war over the Ukraine (probably not that big of a deal) and what does Obama do. Why he continues on to photo ops, fund raisers, and humorous speeches as if nothing had happened. In other words Bush times 100. Bush only sit still for 7 minutes but Obama has yet to change his official schedule of fund raisers and he has a vacation scheduled later this month. For the record Obama has attended 400 fund raisers so far while Bush only attended a little over 200 for his terms.