how old is she

I saw her 12 years ago, i thought she was in her 50's then.
Big Stig's Avatar
69 seems about right. Now, guys will come on and post that they know for a fact she's 43. Whatever. If she's 43, she has aged very poorly.
FFH's Avatar
  • FFH
  • 07-23-2014, 08:20 PM
By FFH's calculations she is

107 years old
That's in hooker years
Still 300 an hour good lord. That is $4.35 a year
jjriggins's Avatar
She looks better than quite a few a fraction of her age then... Who said it's better to burn out???
AmishGangster's Avatar
I saw her many years ago, she was in her mid 40s then. Hot and a great time but mid 40s back then fo sho. She had some badass fish tanks...
  • BSer
  • 07-23-2014, 09:10 PM
She's in her late 60s....
eaglehorse's Avatar
She was banned from the Old Vets Home, too many hard dicks.
jjriggins's Avatar
Hmmm.... A retirement home for old ho's - that could have potential if marketed properly...
  • BSer
  • 07-23-2014, 09:47 PM
Hmmm.... A retirement home for old ho's - that could have potential if marketed properly... Originally Posted by jjriggins
I brought that idea up in chat room on TOS some 60yr old home ran and got bones' 80 yr old ass to ban me from chat

Fucking bones
jjriggins's Avatar
Banned from chat for THAT?!? Jeez... Maybe I should start posting there more often - could be fun...
I saw Angela Blu at least 15 years ago in Swissvale and she was in her mid to late forties then. Don't get me wrong she was a great time, and was like 150 an hour back then. I would never pay her 300 an hour now. She must be having a hard time getting clients she post on BP like 3 or 4 times a day. Oh well we all get old.
I saw her last year and she is still in better shape and better looking than 99% of the girls on BP and TOS. Incredible skills too.
BluMax's Avatar
I saw that someone blasted her in the Casual Encounters section of Craigslist. They said something about her being old and that she was haggling or something.
Yeah based on those pictures (and we know what a risky proposition that is) she looks good enough for me, anyway. Having said that I prefer not to enter something that's old enough to have produced me. Not yet, anyway.