UN Officials down at the border

cowboy8055's Avatar

LMAO I thought good hair was.
LexusLover's Avatar
Iva, did you read the article?

I've never heard of "the common sense show," but ...

"The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHRC) has previously met with officials from the U.S., Mexico and various Central American countries on the pretense of labeling the thousands of illegal immigrants as refugees. Indeed, the United Nations is now categorizing the present wave of immigrants as refugees from political and domestic violence that are merely seeking asylum in the United States. By declaring this to be the case, the United Nations is “lawfully” exerting their international power to force the United States to openly take in any and all refugees with welcoming arms, at the expense of the American taxpayer."

.. I like that ..... "international power" ...

I remember an interview of a FEMA rep immediately after Katrina who was proclaiming that he found fuel in storage tanks in Louisiana that he was "taking" for refueling Federal vehicles. The next day the Parrish Sheriff showed up with a pickup load of armed "deputies" to explain the fuel belonged to him and the Feds weren't taking it.

Hopefully the "U.N." will issue blue lids for all "international power" it dispatches to the Valley and up THE RIVER to El Paso, because hunting season is about to open in that area and I wouldn't want any of the "international power" force to be mistaken for game, or cartel members.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's gonna get "crowded" down there ... Obaminable has sent "his team" down there (finally) to assess whether NG will help along the border in Texas.

Is this a "pre-emptive strike" by the Feds?
Is this a "pre-emptive strike" by the Feds? Originally Posted by LexusLover
At this point the last elected official to commit NG to the border is Perry.

Why don't cha ask him?
pyramider's Avatar
The UN's "international power" is the supplied by the US.
LexusLover's Avatar
At this point the last elected official to commit NG to the border is Perry.

Why don't cha ask him? Originally Posted by bigtex
I don't need to ask him. And apparently, he's already made his "assessment"!

My crystal ball says that the Federal "evaluation" team ...

.... will determine that NG would not be helpful to control the border.

The Federal Team hasn't been able to "control" many borders lately.
I don't need to ask him. And apparently, he's already made his "assessment"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're the only one to bring up "pre-emptive strike." Just ask Goodhair if that was his intentions.

Problem solved!

Geez, you always have to make a Federal case out of things!
LexusLover's Avatar
You're the only one to bring up "pre-emptive strike." Just ask Goodhair if that was his intentions. Originally Posted by bigtex
Speaking of "sucking" .... you take the cake.
Speaking of "sucking" Originally Posted by LexusLover
If I did it was only because I knew "sucking" was something you can easily relate to.
Border Patrol really doesn't want the NG, said the last time they were sent they had to babysit them as they were unarmed.
LexusLover's Avatar
Border Patrol really doesn't want the NG, said the last time they were sent they had to babysit them as they were unarmed. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
If the Feds send them, they will be armed (or can be), but if the Gov sends them they supplement State and local LE.

LexusLover's Avatar
If I did it was only because I knew "sucking" was something you can easily relate to. Originally Posted by bigtex
Yes, but I hate to disappoint you. I prefer girls to suck my cock.

Try some other guy ... Austin is "target rich" I hear.