This morning in West Texas.

I saw this surfing reddit and it reminded me of what has happened in the last 12 hours in the COED forum.
Pistolero's Avatar
You need to get out more.

Come on down and visit the Houston forums.
Lets do this.
john_deere's Avatar
the houston forums are the best case yet for a eugenics program.
Pistolero's Avatar

But, a fight like that in the OP would not even make 'em look down there.
Takes six of us to keep things workable.
CryptKicker's Avatar
Are you bragging or complaining? LOL
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Lmfao. But special side-eye to that lady in the wheelchair tho...come on.

I saw this surfing reddit and it reminded me of what has happened in the last 12 hours in the COED forum. Originally Posted by dudethrowaway875