
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Can we create a sticky thread for ladies that get consistently bad reviews?

It would have to be in case where service was overwhelmingly bad in a consistent way, say 80%, and at least a half dozen reviewers, all disapprove because of a certain reason...ridiculous upsells, bad hygiene, what have you.

It would have to be a locked thread only certain Mods could have access too...that's probably the dealbreaker...but to leave such a thread open waould cause much more trouble than this thread could ever be worth.

Sort of like The Star Chamber for bad providers.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
No Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Howzabout one for the repository?
A little premature closeration there PW. Wait for it......
A little premature closeration there PW. Wait for it...... Originally Posted by Howdy Do Me
I meant a sticky for the clesed thread....

Or clese this one is good too.
I'm easy like that....
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Nobody's going to close this thread.

The Star Chamber has to be formed much more discreetly anyhow.
Howzabout one for the repository? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Are ya really up to monitoring both that and the clesed thread.....
Are ya really up to monitoring both that and the clesed thread..... Originally Posted by Celso
Nope.... I'm an underachiever.
Keeps me out of the mods in training program....
Sounded like you were looking for an apprenticeship position, with some new ideas to offer......
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Howzabout one for the repository? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
No Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
That sounds kind of final.....
Can you go clese a thread so I can bump it?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
No Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

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what I do wrong now