More Immigrants Poured in Under Reagan Than Now

BigLouie's Avatar
Using data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection we can see the number of people stopped along the southwest border. This table covers the number of attempted crossings during the Reagan years.

Year Apprehensions










And this one covers the same border for the Obama years.

Year Apprehensions






Average - 417,489

Here is the all important link.
Ronnie isn't running again.

LexusLover's Avatar
What I see is more APPREHENSIONS by Reagan's administration. Thanks BL.

Confirming Obaminable doing a miserable job of APPREHENDING.
lustylad's Avatar
A quote from your link:

There is another issue. Susan Martin, a migration policy expert at Georgetown University, cautions that border patrol tactics changed between the 1980s and today.

"The basic strategy in the 1980s, and before, was to apprehend and then return people immediately back to Mexico," Martin said. "A substantial number attempted re-entry until they were successful. It was, in effect, a revolving door. Beginning in the Clinton administration, the strategy shifted to deterrence."

I would question how many of the Reagan "apprehensions" were the same people trying to enter the US illegally for the third, fourth or fifth time? Were the Reagan numbers inflated due to multiple counting?

More importantly, apprehensions are not the same as successful crossings. If 2 million people a year are coming across, and apprehensions slip from 1 million to 500,000, it just means the number of successful crossings has increased from 1 million to 1.5 million a year.

This all sounds like another version of " it's Bush's fault".
What I see is more APPREHENSIONS by Reagan's administration. Thanks BL.

Confirming Obaminable doing a miserable job of APPREHENDING. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hahaha, you caught that too. That schmuck doesn't realize apprehensions is just a nice way of saying those that got chucked back across the border. I view illegal aliens crossing the border into the United states the same as a Burglar breaking into my house. If they do, there is a price they must pay. You don't seat them down at your dinner table and offer them something to eat for Christ sake.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-28-2014, 07:19 PM
Hahaha, you caught that too. That schmuck doesn't realize apprehensions is just a nice way of saying those that got chucked back across the border. I view illegal aliens crossing the border into the United states the same as a Burglar breaking into my house. If they do, there is a price they must pay. You don't seat them down at your dinner table and offer them something to eat for Christ sake.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You Christless bastard.....

People crossing the border to work and improve their family lot is not the same thing as some Burglar breaking into my house. Holy Jesus, go back and read a chapter of the God Damn Bible before posting anymore racist nonsense.

You Christless bastard.....

People crossing the border to work and improve their family lot is not the same thing as some Burglar breaking into my house. Holy Jesus, go back and read a chapter of the God Damn Bible before posting anymore racist nonsense.

Originally Posted by WTF
That's right ya big baby. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things and if people from other countries want to come here they have to go through the legal channels to do so. That's the way it's suppose to be and that's the way it should be. Who's side are you on anyway jerk off.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You Christless bastard.....

People crossing the border to work and improve their family lot is not the same thing as some Burglar breaking into my house. Holy Jesus, go back and read a chapter of the God Damn Bible before posting anymore racist nonsense.

Originally Posted by WTF
Not only that, the poor motherfuckers work hard as hell for shit wages paid by assholes who relentlessly profiteer of the labor and force the other taxpayers to pay for the illegals families.
Why don't you let them live in your goddamned house and pay for them yourself, asshole, before forcing the rest of us to pay for them and their families?
Other countries enforce their borders - hence, all the motherfuckers (some of whom are hardworking, decent people, some of whom are not) come to our formerly great country.

At least I pay the Asian hookers 140 dollars per hour, and they work inside, in the air conditioning. If they don't pay taxes on that, they should pay penalties and interest. They are self supporting, and they don't bring their families expecting us to pay for them like stupid chumps.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-28-2014, 07:51 PM
Other countries enforce their borders - hence, all the motherfuckers (some of whom are hardworking, decent people, some of whom are not) come to our formerly great country. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Formerly great?

We do not have Muslims raining down rockets on our country on a daily basis!

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-28-2014, 07:53 PM
That's right ya big baby. There is a right way and a wrong way to do things and if people from other countries want to come here they have to go through the legal channels to do so. That's the way it's suppose to be and that's the way it should be. Who's side are you on anyway jerk off.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Jesus....I chose his side. Like Ricky Bobby, I'm partial to Baby Jesus.

Jesus....I chose his side. Like Ricky Bobby, I'm partial to Baby Jesus.

Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah sure ya are.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-28-2014, 08:00 PM
Yeah sure ya are.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I sure the fuck do not equate folks crossing the border looking for work with some cocksucker breaking into my house!

God the fuck did you come up with that shit?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The economy got better under Reagan once the 2nd worst President was booted out of office.

Barry has been the largest deterrent to immigration with his economic shambles but America is still better than the shit holes they are coming from.
I sure the fuck do not equate folks crossing the border looking for work with some cocksucker breaking into my house!

God the fuck did you come up with that shit? Originally Posted by WTF
Burglary and crossing another countries Border without the proper documentation are both criminal acts stupid. It's no Americans fault that their country is a fucked up mess. It still doesn't mean they can just show up and expect to be given all the same liberties an American citizen has. When European Immigrants came to America they had to stop off at Ellis Island first. They were screened for disease, their identities were documented, ect. Once they were cleared they were free to go to their final destinations. Mexico maybe closer than Europe but that doesn't mean they shouldn't go through the same process. They basically just walk over the border and do whatever they please. They maybe carrying a disease which posses a public health issue, they maybe transporting contraband which posses a security issue. There's no documentation who these people are, they just enter the country looking for work. We need to tighten our borders and make it less attractive for illegals to cross. If you have a problem with that then it's to bad.
