Look, just because you are older than Abraham and Issac and have had every conversation under the sun or have been in this business so long that you remember what it was like in ancient Rome selling yourself doesn't mean every one is. If you read something that has been discussed and you are tired of it being discussed them move on about your business. Pass and go on to the next item. I can't help it because you're ignored by everyone you know, you look at your granddaughters and lust after them and all you have time to do is read hooker boards all day everyday. Get a life...get a scooter, go out enjoy the weather, go to a ball game or something. Stop trying to moderate what other people talk about and how many times they talk about the same subject.
It is a hooker board for the life of Mars just stop trying to act like you are the savior of every hooker. Females sell their bodies and guys talk about that. So what that you read a conversation before hey then just move on. Go save a hoe somewhere else...get all your money took but don't come here trying to act like you're saving daddies little girl.