Skull and Bones

normalguy21's Avatar
Sometimes Things remain the same . Sometimes for the better are for the worse things change. I tend to be conservitive my political views as far as supporting are troops (God Bless Them ) and keeping this great country of ours a free republic with all the amendments and bill of right,s in tact . Having been blessed being able to grow up in Iowa (well maybe someday if i work at it ) and being a avid Musle car and sport bike guy since i could pop my first boner (Street racing and such There is a real life fonzi in dsm with the same name as a rear end (Dana) Great guy . It seems only natural to (Bench Race ) talk about the hobby With other like minded individual,s . I understand the stigma behind it but if your reading this a penis and a vagina met at one point. Unless your a test tube baby. I admit sometimes the only way to learn sometimes is to be silent -still - observe-and just analize the atmosphere . But i also think contributing any way shape are form in a positive way are with constructive critisim from ones peers is healthy. Yah sorry about my spelling .English is a second language for me I speak american . Being a very acute and informed individual in the hobby(which im not ) would be a blessing to those freshman are journey men whom love the feel and touch of like minded of legal age women providers. The question i have after my ramblings is __----___-__ Did some body let everyone know that i ring the bell in the bell tower at Notre Dame ? Did i leave a waste band to waste band skid mark in a pair of brief,s somewhere with my laundry tag on it? What im saying is this seems harder to do than Fonzi getting his high school diploma . To be destigmatized .It,s like after the fall of saigon. The only time i ever ever saw my dad cry ( the old bushmaster from the C.Z zone( shit he was like in the cub scouts are something maybe ?? Ft Gulick my den mothers house ) the day saigon fell . I was kicking around the idea of writing some reviews I have 13 i havent wrote yet that are current. .Everyone of them i have seen more than once . many were over nights and only two of the A.S.P,s have been reviewed here that i have found reviews on .Make that 3 . But i ponder __----__--_-- Who gives a shit what my conquest have been ?? Sometimes its like skull and bones (not putting it down are anyone on the board) I get it everyone has there Amigos . If you ever make it to Notre Dame please take note at how well maintained the campus is no litter are trash anywhere (except when im present) It really is a sight to behold . Thanks for reading and everyone take care .
If I understand you, reading between the lines, that you have reviews to post, I'd certainly be interested in reading whatever experiences you've had. I wouldn't consider it braggadocios, just informative. A lot of us started hitting a ton of, craigslist and BP girls. I wrote about almost every one, especially the bad ones, because I didn't want a bro to make the same mistake and would appreciate the same courtesy.
livn2do's Avatar
Write them all. Pound your chest a bit. If someone doesn't' like it or thinks the reviews are more about you...fuck em, they're just jealous because your getting the pussy they want, can't afford, or are to scared to pick up the phone and make that call. Trust me. Happens all the time. I write the same shit over and over again on the same woman(s). Someone will complain. Its to short, its to long, its to narrative, its not descriptive enough, etc...

Personally I love reading reviews. The more the merrier. And if there hot then all the better. I need all the help I can get now a days in the rigidity department.
normalguy21's Avatar
Thanks for the support guys . Im headed to alaska for ten days fishing and to sky dive alaska during the dull moments i will write the reviews i leave first of the week . I will bring back t shirts for everyone
livn2do's Avatar
You s.o.b., I love Alaska. Bring me back some salmon. Last time I sky dived it didn't go well for me. Haven't jumped in over 10 years. Fuck I miss that shit.
normalguy21's Avatar
Can do the samon. My cousin call sign Giant Killer has a nice small 37 foot boat we play on last year the catch was 375 pounds of samon. As far as being legless (Airborne) you pick your remote camp sites jump in out of a helicopter camp over night they pick you up when you send them a signal and do it all over again. 3 jumps is the plan this year.
normalguy21's Avatar
I would say more but less is more. I burnt in so hard I bounced twice it was a very very very fragile situation and my ankels were shattered and I mean shattered didn't get medical attention for almost 70 hours skinny isn't the word that would work here more like donkey cart in kos. A vhoo something like that but that is for another time war stories. Cub scouts was hell brother
Any native hookers going to be a part of that trip? I've had Alaskan native pussy, some good, some not, depends on how drunk they were.
timster's Avatar
As usual, our threads take a pussy...wouldn't have it any other way.
Do you have any dancers from the strip clubs in that list of conquests?
livn2do's Avatar
Any native hookers going to be a part of that trip? I've had Alaskan native pussy, some good, some not, depends on how drunk they were. Originally Posted by pssymnchr2
Did you eat the whale blubber?
normalguy21's Avatar
Do you have any dancers from the strip clubs in that list of conquests? Originally Posted by Johnnyhaha
I used to live in orlando went to club juna ---the caberate --- racheals every night then moved to atlanta lived at the pink pony and follies
normalguy21's Avatar
Any native hookers going to be a part of that trip? I've had Alaskan native pussy, some good, some not, depends on how drunk they were. Originally Posted by pssymnchr2
im going to be staying with my cousin his wife is from a small village in the jungles of thailand she has friends now in alaska . HUBA HUBA HELL YAH wish me luck with her thai friends !!! other than that p411 has only like 6 providers listed theere
normalguy21's Avatar
We will be 348 ing and 300 win think magnuming some paper targets my best is 1400 meters 7 below zero 12 mph cross wind with a lod of my moa at 1/4 with my 300 on harris bi pod and a 13x65 smit and bheendeeer custom loads 3280 fps is a hot load these were close to 4000 fps
normalguy21's Avatar
As usual, our threads take a pussy...wouldn't have it any other way. Originally Posted by timster
Have you ever had more than two women with their ass,s in the air and went from one to the other back to the other one and noticed really how difffrent they feel ?? I had 3 and each felt extremly diffrent