Obama is Hamas' Bitch. Who wants next?

Incredible. Obama and Kerry push Bibi hard for a 72 hour cease fire and 90 minutes into it Hamas let loose a planned suicide bomb attack to kidnap an Israeli soldier. Just utter failure in Iraq, Syria, Nigeria, Ukraine, US southern border, etc and Obama has a nationally televised newscast were he basically says "So sue me."

Obama has no street cred either nationally or internationally. Hamas played him for the amateur community organizer he is. The country is a laughing stock.


The latest attempt at a cease-fire in Gaza disintegrated Friday before it ever really took hold amid accusations that Palestinian militants killed two Israeli soldiers and captured one.
Blaming Hamas and its militant allies for the attack on the soldiers, Israel resumed shelling of what have been described as militant strongholds in Gaza.

The announced 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire between Israel and Hamas didn't even last two hours, by some accounts.
The pause appears to have eroded after about 90 minutes in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza, with the attack on Israeli soldiers. The soldiers were working to destroy a tunnel built by militants to breach Israel's border when a militant emerged from it and detonated a suicide bomb, Israeli military Lt. Col. Peter Lerner told CNN's Wolf Blitzer.
Fuck you in your ignorance turd fly.You are whirrly's bitch
Fuck you in your ignorance turd fly.You are whirrly's bitch Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Fuck you miss communist lite.
Fuck you miss communist lite. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB;

Fuck you Hamas cunt.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 08-01-2014, 10:36 PM
Just let the Israelis do what they need to do, wipe em out.
Fuck you Hamas cunt. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I resent that, I'm a Israel cunt... miss communist lite... but you did get the ethanol thing right. Now squirt some in your pussy and put a match to it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Just let the Israelis do what they need to do, wipe em out. Originally Posted by seedman55
One rocket launcher at a time.
I resent that, I'm a Israel cunt... miss communist lite... but you did get the ethanol thing right. Now squirt some in your pussy and put a match to it. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You first Hamas cunt.
Hey, Iva Bigcunt, do you actually have legitimate points or counterpoints to the OP? If so, please post! I thought you weren't "for" Obama anyway.
HAHAHAHA................good bitch slap !

Fuck you miss communist lite. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Just let the Israelis do what they need to do, wipe em out. Originally Posted by seedman55
Hey, Iva Bigcunt, do you actually have legitimate points or counterpoints to the OP? If so, please post! I thought you weren't "for" Obama anyway. Originally Posted by gnadfly
HAHAHAHA................good bitch slap ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Calling someone on a stupid OP or post is not supporting anyone it is just calling them on a stupid thread or post. try to keep up. He is just a whirrly a be as there was one on the same subject.
Calling someone on a stupid OP or post is not supporting anyone it is just calling them on a stupid thread or post. try to keep up. He is just a whirrly a be as there was one on the same subject. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Your brain trauma has affected your reasoning. Why can't you be more like CBJ7?
Your brain trauma has affected your reasoning. Why can't you be more like CBJ7? Originally Posted by gnadfly
You are getting more like Marshal.
But wait, Netanyahu bitch slaps Obama!
