There has been a lot of talk recently about the lack of response by EF. During the last 2 years as business has picked up, our internal process has gradually changed and not necessarily for the better. As business has continued to increase, the methods that once worked are no longer working, and are actually causing problems with various time constraints. As of earlier this month, October 2010, we have instigated new procedures that have given more time for responses and have also helped provide more availability. To those of you who have suffered through our lack of perceived responses, I apologize and can assure you that our changes have been noticed immediately.
For anyone concerned if you are on our DNS list or if you are being ignored, please send me an email requesting and I will answer accordingly. And as always, if you are able to book via the appointment form on our site, this is the best way to go to ensure your requests are filled.
I look forward to finishing out this year on a positive note and if anyone has any ideas or advice for me, please do send me a PM on here or an email. I'm always looking for ways to improve, constructive criticism encouraged.