Health Care in a Sad State

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Without a care for party politics, capitalism, Obama, or websites, it is my straightforward observation that health care in America is in a pathetic state. Persons who chose that field should be embarrassed to the point of extreme action at what politics and the insurance industry have made of their efforts to heal.

I am very fortunate to be quite healthy. Recently an incident occurred that threatened that, no details disclosed, to protect the innocent, and again I am very fortunate (because it was also hobby related and I escaped detection) that I will be fine, a few scrapes and some bruising. But my insurance was refused by two 'urgent care' facilities without a single patient before I had to go to take space in an emergency room where there were lots of people in greater need than I.

I'm thoroughly disgusted that persons who supposedly got into a profession to help people would allow themselves to be handicapped into such an inefficient system. I call upon them to summon some courage and stop this bullshit. Action needs to be taken against any health insurance employee/executive making more than twice the national average. Health insurance as an industry should be dismantled.

This is the 21st century, we have the power to heal much, all that holds us back is greed.