
new2atxs's Avatar
Ladies. Just wondering. How often do you get a physical exam each year? I myself have several physical exams each year.
knotty man's Avatar
UIL rules require one every year before school starts, or they cant play any sports
Swordmaster69's Avatar
I get my prostrate checked once a year
TemptationTammie's Avatar
As for regular physicals, yearly. If you're asking more about bloodwork for STDs, every 4-6 weeks.
Dice man1983's Avatar
This is not Europe were ladies are required to get check once a month. I really don't think providers have health insurence..,.. Wait I forgot Obama care
nuglet's Avatar
This is not Europe were ladies are required to get check once a month. I really don't think providers have health insurence..,.. Wait I forgot Obama care Originally Posted by Dice man1983
I love how some folks have so quickly adopted the name "Obama Care". Actually it was started by Kennedy, and the name has NEVER BEEN Obama Care.. It is the Affordable Care Act.
I know several people that wouldn't be able to have ANY health care if it wasn't for the Affordablle Care Act. My wife being one.. Try getting insurance under the old rules. I have Crones, and my wife had diabetes. No Insurance company would touch us..
Ok back on subject.. I get a checkup twice a year.
Centaur's Avatar
I love how some folks have so quickly adopted the name "Obama Care". Originally Posted by nuglet
Meaning what precisely? I think the PPACA has some upsides and some downsides, and that only time will tell the long-term effects on our ailing healthcare system. But I still call it Obamacare. Many national-stage politicians have tried to move the US towards nationalized insurance and/or healthcare in one form or another, and Kennedy wasn't the first. The President made it his central policy plank. It exists because he got behind it and pushed. For good or ill, he should own that accomplishment name and all. So I really couldn't give a rat's ass what sugar-coated name the Senate put on HR 3590 while making the sausage. IMO, it's superficial to bridle at what people call it, particularly since most of the law's supporters also call it Obamacare. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. A name is what people call something. Obamacare is a name of said law. And since, in spite of what reactionaries want to believe, we don't live in a totalitarian state, no one is obliged to use the "official" name.
pyramider's Avatar
Ladies. Just wondering. How often do you get a physical exam each year? I myself have several physical exams each year. Originally Posted by new2atxs

Why would you get "several physical exams each year?" You enjoy getting pricked, prodded, and probed?
Centaur's Avatar
Why would you get "several physical exams each year?" You enjoy getting pricked, prodded, and probed? Originally Posted by pyramider
I'm pretty sure it physical is a euphemism for STI panel. Either that or his GP loves him.
Dice man1983's Avatar
I love how some folks have so quickly adopted the name "Obama Care". Actually it was started by Kennedy, and the name has NEVER BEEN Obama Care.. It is the Affordable Care Act.
I know several people that wouldn't be able to have ANY health care if it wasn't for the Affordablle Care Act. My wife being one.. Try getting insurance under the old rules. I have Crones, and my wife had diabetes. No Insurance company would touch us..
Ok back on subject.. I get a checkup twice a year. Originally Posted by nuglet
Blah blah blah get a job that has health insurence, and if your job don't provide it, get a better fucking job. Our country is going down the tubes thanks to, well.......