Sexbots. the future of sex?

The other day I heard an interesting interview, the topic of "sexbots" and the role they will play in the future. I browsed around and found a few interesting articles. Do any of you think that one day robots will replace the majority of sex workers?

Now, this my freak some of you out, as it did me, way creepy, check out this website, check out the videos and pictures. Gives me the heeb jeebs.... Will it become main stream? Or a fringe fetish?
Don't know about sex-bots but 'virtual reality' is definitely the future of sex. I was reading an article a few months ago and it said having sex with a real live person will be just a fetish one day.
someday, but not soon
universalenergy's Avatar
Maybe only the ghetto ones like in Houston. Loved your thread in Houston. Come back soon and windup wakeup. It was a classic.

The sex-bots look too weird, lol, I can see it becoming a fetish genre all it's own.