First Contact?

Which do you prefer when contacting a provider for the first time?
And why do you prefer it?

Her phone number placed in her ad(s) then you can call, get all the info straight from her and book right then and there.

Send her an e-mail,
You write to her about getting together sometime soon, send it off, out into the big www and await the response.
Should one ever come.

Private message on the website she advertises on?
Private messages are not Instant messages. lol

The Chat room(s) or other IM system
Here, there, another provider site, yahoo, aim, wherever. There are so many instant message systems out there so imagine your favorite one.

Chat up local waitresses and see if they're game...
Just to see if you're still with me.

And finally,
Filling out the contact forms on her personal website and awaiting a response.
Not having one of these yet I'm not even sure what's required on them.

So share with me, and everyone else how do you like to make first contact with a provider? Do you like to hear her voice or chat a bit prior to arranging a "date"
Does the process of sending a message or form off to wait for a response make you less likely to contact a lady. Even if she's drop dead gorgeous?

Do you prefer the instant gratification that comes with calling a number and having a girl you've never met answer and arrange a tryst right then and there?

Or do you like to approach things slower, chat the person up and get all those preliminary questions and concerns out of the way before you start to discuss getting together?

Just curious,
and I would appreciate some somewhat serious responses.

Thanks guys for reading.
I like to text....

And I'm an axxxpert....

You would pick one I forgot to add. lol
right up there with IMs then.

bambino's Avatar
I like to text....

And I'm an axxxpert....

Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Go fuck yourself
Go fuck yourself Originally Posted by bambino
That's what OCD always tells me when I argue with him about texting vs. talking....
Go fuck yourself Originally Posted by bambino
Really? WTF bam.

Couldn't you at least have said
"Go fuck yourself, I prefer calling the (insert your favorite term here) on the phone."

offshoredrilling's Avatar
get her to go to a bar for a drink
or talk over the phone 2nd best

Paulie girl knows I hate text
AmishGangster's Avatar
I love text, by far my preferred method of all contact until I am face to boobies.
#2 PM
#3 email

After that I move on to someone else.

I'm not calling until I'm at her incall or she is at mine. If she is trying to make me call earlier, well I think she is just being difficult. And she will want to talk to me on our date too. And well, Its rude for ladies to talk with their mouths full...ijs
BluMax's Avatar
I will only text or PM and I honestly avoid ladies that are difficult, for sake of a better term.
chizzy's Avatar
I prefer a call............ half the time you can tell if they are worth the trip or if they will be doozing off from their special diet
Go fuck yourself Originally Posted by bambino

Really? WTF bam.

Couldn't you at least have said
"Go fuck yourself, I prefer calling the (insert your favorite term here) on the phone."

Geez Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
heh heh.

That's what OCD always tells me when I argue with him about texting vs. talking.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya

get her to go to a bar for a drink
or talk over the phone 2nd best

Paulie girl knows I hate text Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
I thinck our differences on that may even be documented somewhere....

I love text, by far my preferred method of all contact until I am face to boobies. Originally Posted by amishgangster

When should I add GFY???
AmishGangster's Avatar
Hey Walnuts,


Hey Walnuts,


Originally Posted by amishgangster
I love pgh...
When is lunch again?
AmishGangster's Avatar
Couple weeks. If you wanna meet Bam show up 2 hours late
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 08-18-2014, 10:07 PM
I prefer to text, in particular if I have found enough information online to determine that I am interested in seeing her.

If I can't text, then an email is also good - it serves the same purpose (determining logistics) as the text, but unfortunately takes longer. This works if I have more time.

I find that text is a great way to schedule with providers for the same reason it has become so ubiquitous. It's quick, efficient, easily reviewed, etc.,

A phone call requires more effort on my part - therefore, I'm less interested in using it. Typically, I will call a girl if I'm simply not sure if she's one I want to see - usually because there's not much information out there or I'm on the fence. (As an aside, these phone calls are really 'interviews.' I'm trying to determine, based on her attitude/demeanor/voice/etc., whether I will schedule a date. If a girl acts bored/tired/disinterested/aggressive, etc., during our discussion, then I just assume that's a sign of things to come.)

Once I've made a decision to schedule - I'm looking at any pre-meeting communications almost entirely for efficiency. Text is king for that metric.