My son passed away yesterday. Complications from diabetes.
I wanted to take a few moments to post this and to ask for patience and understanding from everyone. On Monday morning, August 18, my youngest son was found dead. He passed from complications stemming from a long history with Juvenile Diabetes. His case was listed as being uncontrollable and he spent most of his life from 15 on, in the hospital. Twice he was in a diabetic coma and doctors did not expect him to pull through. But he fought back and proved them wrong. This time though, the fight was too much for him. He was only 23 years old.
Obviously I will be taking some time off and will not take on any appointments. This is probably the hardest thing for any parent to go through and can take months to come to terms with. Unfortunately I am the sole provider in my household, and as much as I want my time to grieve and mourn my child, there are still living people that rely on me. Therefore, I will most likely only take today and tomorrow off. If possible, I will also take Friday. Saturday will bring about business as usual. If I am lucky enough to see any of you gentlemen in the near future, know that you will still get my best service. Just please understand that I may not be as playful. And I am hoping this doesn't happen, but if my emotions get the best of me and I need to walk away for a few minutes, please allow me that time to compose myself. If that happens, I want to assure you ahead of time, those minutes will NOT be counted against your time in any way.
Finally, I want to thank you all for reading this. I feel like this little corner of ECCIE is home to some of the best people I have ever had the privilege of sharing my life with. If you wish to contact me, please do. I just ask that it be done through our PM's, or through my gmail account. Please do not call or text until further notice. I have a prepaid phone and I need to be able to stay in contact with family back home. Take care all. I will see you soon.
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your son. I hope you are ok and I am here if you need me.
Oh honey, I am so sorry. Having lost a child of my own, I can understand what you are going through to a certain extent. No parent should have to bury their children, but some of us do. My daughter was only 29 days old, but I remember and cherish every day God let me borrow her. I picture her sliding on rainbows and jumping in the clouds. It gets me through the day. I know its hard to do right now, but make sure u take time to grieve, if u don't u may never get to. You were blessed with 23 years of spending precious time with him, you are one of the lucky ones. Please, if there is anything i can do, anything at all, if you need someone to talk to, to vent to, to cry to, or to take out frustrations on, do not hesitate to contact me.
From the hearts of everyone in E.C.C.I.E. across the globe, our thoughts of sympathy and our prayers go out to you and your family with such a tough loss to you. No mother or father should have to bury their children, we are supposed go before them. Please, if we could all take a moment to remember the loss of a loved one for Summer Lynn, it would be the least we could do. Hang in the girl.
Our condolences and prayers go out to you and your family.
I am so very sorry for your loss. Losing anyone we love is hard and it takes time to heal.. I'm sure that everyone should understand. Just always remember the good times to help get you through the pain. And rely on friends and family.
You've got my heartfelt sympathies.
I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling. From your description, it sounds like your son was a blessing and a fighter. Hold on to the memories and celebrate his time with you and your family. You are a strong and courageous woman worthy of admiration. I hope your soul heals as you remember your son.
My condolences to you and your family. I will be praying for you.
I am very sorry to hear of your loss, please take all the time you can to get yourself and your family thru this very difficult time. Again my deepest sympathies.
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your son.
Summer, my condolences to you and your family. I am sorry for your loss. I too know the pain of losing a child. My prayers are with you.
Summerlyn, I am very sorry for your loss.
Mere words cannot adequately express the pain at a time as this. You have our sincere condolences, our sympathies, our prayers and our heartfelt support at this time of loss.
I want to thank you all for being here for me as I deal with the loss of my son. Your words of sympathy mean a lot. As mentioned before, I would like more time to deal with my emotions, but unfortunately tear drops do not pay the rent. Therefore I will be available again starting Saturday morning. I hope to see all of you soon, and I don't just mean BCD. Some of you are like family to me, and all of you are great friends. Again, I thank you with all my heart.
I'm so very sorry you loss your son. You and your family will be in my prayers.