"You give me this office and in return, vacations -leisure is gone......"

Barack Hussein Obama - 2008 Campaign Promise

Yssup Rider's Avatar
why wouldn't you link to this in your OP, Whir-LIE-turd?

Are you trying to catch us napping?


You BEHEADED for another ass whooping, I bleevz!
THE OBAMA BARGAIN = ELECT ME AND I WON'T TAKE VACATIONS.....FORE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Is this another Wisconsin & America are "TRENDING" Romney thread?

Ori is it another MLK "opposes illegal immigration" thread?

Which one is it more closely related too?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
No, this is very similar to the Edward Edwards thread. When he was reelected to the office of governor of Louisiana he said that he was going to celebrate by going to Las Vegas. This is after he served a prison term for embezzlement and corruption brought about by his out of control gambling addiction. He said he was cured and would never gamble again.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No link.

Tick tock.
Whirrly and company believe anything said on a campaign. Kinda like getting a email it is all true.
You is the link..Obama in his own words.......

why wouldn't you link to this in your OP, Whir-LIE-turd?

Are you trying to catch us napping?


You BEHEADED for another ass whooping, I bleevz! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Wow. We fell right into that trap of yours didn't we, whir-LIE-turd! Next time, cover it up with more leaves! Woweeee!


Since you're in the mood to post links, where's the link to the MLK quote?

Read my lips.... Another famous campaign promise.
The links are there (in the MLK thread) posts 1- 91, pay particular attention to post 31.
Oh yeah; feel free to address the Obama statement regarding...

"You give me this office and in return, vacations -leisure is gone......"
The links are there (in the MLK thread) posts 1- 91, pay particular attention to post 31. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I did and in post 31 there was no mention of MLK actually stating that he "opposed illegal immigration."

Where's that link, TrendingIdiot?
You obviously didn't read (or comprehend) the information contained in Posts 1 thru 91 did you DumbText?

And thanks for allowing me to link the MLK thread into this thread......................

Since you and Assup have tried to hijack this about responding to Obama's bargain with the American electorate:

"You give me this office and in return, vacations -leisure is gone......"

What say you DumbText? Sounds like another one of those phony Obama promises ("If you like your plan you can keep your plan, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor..or this whopper, Every household will see their premiums decline by $2,300 a year) !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
It was a campaign promise, Whir-LIE-turd, from 2008.

I wonder if he would have been elected if he would have promised to devote the next eight years of his life to being beaten about the head and shoulders by an obstructionist Congress and more resistance from the loyal opposition than any president in recent memory.

Let's see -- "No vacations." Vs "Read my lips. No new taxes."

Well, I suppose you have to out things in perspective, don't you, Whir-LIE-turd?

Or is the idea of a darker fella carrying only one golf club rather than the whole bag something you can't abide?
It was a phony campaign promise. A phony pledge that he had no intention of keeping. One of many. Right?

The question remains, why would Obama make a pledge he knew he wasn't going to keep?

Answer: He is as dishonest as they come. His six year tenure has proven he will say anything, even knowing it to be a lie.

What is the personality disorder for someone like that?
You obviously didn't read (or comprehend) the information contained in Posts 1 thru 91 did you DumbText? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
TrendingIdiot, quit beating around the shrub, errrr bush! Please post the exact quote and link from MLK in which he specifically stated that he "opposed illegal immigration."

Once you have done so, I will be glad to give you credit for MLK actually making the statement and not what someone believes to be true without a confirming statement or link from MLK himself.

After 45 days and 410+ posts, I am still waiting for official confirmation.

In other words, where's the link, TrendingIdiot?