Have you ever?

This past Thursday I was driving along in traffic looking around for a distraction from my frustration with the imbecile in front of me. While waiting at a light an attractive young woman walks by on my right, up to the the corner, then turns and continues down the cross street. She had on nice shorts and tee, but what caught my eye was the way she was walking. At first I thought to myself it looked like she was prancing, but that term is forever poisoned by the youtube lady that dance walks, and the dictionary says prancing is exaggerated. This wasn't like that, but she was walking with purpose, shoulders back, head high, a spring in her step, a gentle rhythmic sway in her hips. The light changed and traffic started to move, but for some reason I found myself turning right instead of continuing straight on to work.

Sometimes if you look around you can find the distraction you need from the boredom of the typical day.

Precious_b's Avatar
And such little interludes make life worthwhile.
Doglegg's Avatar
Quite a few years ago I was heading into work southbound on a major highway when Ray ?'s "I'm in Love with the Other Woman" started playing on KZEP.

That song brought back memories of an epic 5 hr BJ that the ex-wife's BFF gave me one night into early morning.

The song ended and I came out of the daydream/memory still cruising merrily along when I saw street signs that were familiar but out of place.

What had been a southbound trip to the Lackland area became a northbound trip top New Braunfels.

Once past my bewilderment I could only shake my head at myself and wonder where in the hell I thought I was going.

So yeah, been there, done that, got the speeding ticket and docket number to prove it.
oldtiger's Avatar
This past Thursday I was driving along in traffic looking around for a distraction from my frustration with the imbecile in front of me. While waiting at a light an attractive young woman walks by on my right, up to the the corner, then turns and continues down the cross street. She had on nice shorts and tee, but what caught my eye was the way she was walking. At first I thought to myself it looked like she was prancing, but that term is forever poisoned by the youtube lady that dance walks, and the dictionary says prancing is exaggerated. This wasn't like that, but she was walking with purpose, shoulders back, head high, a spring in her step, a gentle rhythmic sway in her hips. The light changed and traffic started to move, but for some reason I found myself turning right instead of continuing straight on to work.

Sometimes if you look around you can find the distraction you need from the boredom of the typical day.

Originally Posted by Rover14

What I want to know is, why didn't you offer here a ride? You never know where that could have gone!
ck1942's Avatar

Yesterday, I was loading the groceries into my back seat when a snazzy MB SLK pulled into the space on my driver's side. I got only a brief look into the cabin, and all I saw was a set of fine lady's gams (legs, for those who don't know the term) from upper thigh on down.

Taking care of my groceries, I did not se the lady exit the car, but I did get a fine view of her short white shorts and part of her upper back and back of head with lots of piled blondish hair.

As she walked toward the HEB entrance, my immediate impression -- highlighted by her silver 4" heels -- was "there goes a real Cougar!"

And, of course, I ain't her immediate target, either!
I always take the time to study my surroundings. There is a favorite grocery store that has LOTS of eye candy that I have to hide behind my basket lol. And it seems like they show off because I often get busted looking and get smiles instead of the middle finger. For some reason, this particular location is awesome!
SASpurfan's Avatar
Damn CK, ain't it the shits when we get too old for the cougars! I've been there a while.
Bump it, shake it, squeeze it, fuck it!