First time pregnant and didn't know anything about lactating... I'm soon to be 7 months and I am just really horny and love my new pregnant breasts loved when they are touched and much more but Im embarrassed 😳 will guys think it's sexy or not ?
gdsa12326's Avatar
You should never feel embarrassed, and yes it is sexy.
ThreAD of the Week Award Winner! Congrats!
Just started yesterday ! Im new to this pregnancy stuff but thanks I feel more confident.. I should let it be known though don't want any surprises like last night lol
bigjimt52's Avatar
ditto what the other guys said...
I kid, I kid.

Congratulations on getting knocked up.

You know, I don't know if pregnant chicks with watering melons are sexy. It depends on the chick. Some are and some aren't. Whatever you do... for tax payer's sake, I suggest not making pregnant-fucking your hooker specialty.

Emphasize more on cash-cowing this mother-fucker and getting an education (or learning a trade) that will pay for your child's medical and dental expenses once your body gets to ragged and gents start focusing more on the newer model.

You don't want to be the hooktard that is contantly asking for help, because junior broke it's arm and you can't afford to have it set right (or follow up surgeries). Don't kill his/her dreams of becoming a member of the Spurs/Silver Stars (like his NBA daddy).

I know that I'm dishing out some tough love, but it really breaks my heart to see young ladies with great potential fuck-up their young lives. Learn the lessons early so that when you get older, you can have a choice on wether or not you want to suck cock for a living. You should suck a dick because you want to and not because it is the only thing that you know how to do well.
Lactating is great for some and some not so much. I think you're very beautiful but I strongly suggest you rethinking offering CIP while pregnant. Even though you can't get pregnant again you can get an STD that might possibly risk your life or baby's. I say this with the best intentions. Have a wonderful pregnancy
Samcro84's Avatar
Had to think about the CIP. I am not into pregnant or lactating providers. But the one above did offer both. So she can offer you advice.

Congrats on pregnancy.
bigguy4DATY's Avatar
Pregos are sexy, lactation is hot, need pics.. pics pls...more pics... :P
You'll be very popular the next couple of months. Love the pregnant look; love lactation.
rex-man's Avatar
WoW. Yes very sexy.

CIP.? I thought none of us were doing that.

Now CIA would be fun
I only partook of the Human Milk with my SOs. Tasted like sweet Cantaloupe Juice.
Had to think about the CIP. I am not into pregnant or lactating providers. But the one above did offer both. So she can offer you advice.

Congrats on pregnancy. Originally Posted by travelerman
He meant that I have offered lactation and pregnancy fetish lol. Got a few worried people who thought that I was offering cip which I'm not.
Ummm I don't think soo but big swollen pregnant breast are! Just a tip from your local medical expert lol you run the chances of catching VD from breast milk...