Haven't missed much it seems. New screen names with the same ol' garbage spewing. Newer mouthy screen names that have been banned. Same agendas and trolling as always.
Would it be too much to ask to stick to the topics of pussy, women, and getting laid? I do believe that is the whole premise here.
Simon Riley our new Provider imposter seems very reminiscent to me in terms of someone we all knew well at one time. I am still a little upset to the fact I lost the crown of being a providers alter ego, or whatever crazy theories that shot around.
Thinks he/she is clever, but really just a child behind a keyboard.
I see Whispers came and gone for a stint. Things were much better when it was an Information Exchange instead of a playground for losers who like to come on a hooker board and make fun of and attempt to belittle hookers.
At least some very informative information was exchanged and debated back in the good 'ol days of battling it out with the Three Stooges, which then in turn added a groupie and became the Quattro Stooges. Hey I get it, they were awe struck by a sleazy pussy controlled by a midget. I have been in similar situations being pussy whipped, even If I do have to pay for it on occasion.
Looks like the girls are still being duped by the king of douche.
Anyways ya'll have fun, nothing here even to hold my interest other than the pretty and smart ladies who don't chime in on all the garbage.
Now that Captain Obvious has came in and stated the obvious, ya'll have a great day and stay classy.
Should be just about any day now your favorite class clown should be back, doing what he does best.