Multi-million dollar question.

Probably the most asked question but what would you do if you won $100million in lottery winnings? List the top 5 things you would do first.
John_Dough's Avatar
2 chicks at the same time, man !
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-27-2014, 08:10 AM
*build a home in San Francisco marina district.
*take tori capella off the market
*buy that Ferrari California Version
*buy an island
*have a big John & Ho weekend for my favorite John's and hoogars in Austin. Pool, bands, catered food, jet skis, helicopter rides, jet running continuously for everyone to to up and join the "mile high" club.
The Grouch's Avatar
The very first thing I would do is this:
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
That's easy

1)Open the business I have always wanted to run...All female mechanic shop
2)Pay off all debts
3)Set my girls up to start off adult life with a great head start
4)A pay it forward kind of thing on something sensitive to me
5)Disney world in a big way
Bob McV's Avatar
*build a home in San Francisco marina district.
*take tori capella off the market
*buy that Ferrari California Version
*buy an island
*have a big John & Ho weekend for my favorite John's and hoogars in Austin. Pool, bands, catered food, jet skis, helicopter rides, jet running continuously for everyone to to up and join the "mile high" club. Originally Posted by Toyz
I am thinking just the first two would put you into the red.

I would no doubt get a place here and in NYC and have a " personal assistant" in each.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-27-2014, 09:30 AM
Based upon the history of other winners:
  1. Have my kids with me to claim the prize as a group.
  2. Update my will to exclude them since they'd be sharing the prize equally with me and establish charity endowments.
  3. Move... and keep moving.
  4. Establish regional ATFs during my travels.
  5. Work on my inventions.
As an aside, I'd guess that the guys would hobby more, but I wonder how many of the ladies would quit proving? Or, would they do a flip and pick up "boy toys"?
chairspud's Avatar
1. Pay off and re-model my current house
2. Buy a be pad somewhere
3. Do several higher $$ ladies here and other cities
4. Take a river cruise in Europe
5. Maybe by a craft brewy
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
1) Find the best physical and occupational therapist for my son and pay for all the surgery and aide he is going to need through his life.
2) I would go to Disneyland, Disneyworld, and a few other parks/playland.
3) Pay off debt (student loan and car)
4) Give money to family and help them pay off debt/remodel home/buy a home/buy car etc
5) Buy all the books and games I want
I would still be a provider because never know what happens and with all of the above will probably be broke again. LOL.
sue_nami's Avatar
Buy up rain forests around the world and preserve habitat of endangered species. Then set up a world research foundation intent on preserving our rainforests.
playingnthedark's Avatar
Reinvest to turn it into 200 plus millions or more.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
I'd pay off my ex-husband and all my current debts, then buy a reasonable 2-3 bedroom house and furnish it. Then I would set my kids up and put money aside to live off the interest until I'm ready to retire.
Kinda like Loxly's suggestion of a boy toy just to be on the other side of things once or twice. LOL
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-27-2014, 11:53 AM
I don't think many are grasping the magnitude of AH1's theoretical winnings. 100 million!!!

In eccie terms...that's Still Lookings annual ANNUAL hobby budget! That's a lot of money. Dream big!
Little Monster's Avatar
1. pay off all my mothers debts, buy her a brand new house & car

2. Move to England for good

3. Marry a beautiful British woman and live happily ever after
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-27-2014, 12:14 PM
1. pay off all my mothers debts, buy her a brand new house & car

2. Move to England for good

3. Marry a beautiful British woman and live happily ever after Originally Posted by Little Monster
"Marry" and "Happily ever after" are dynamically opposed opposites.... Just sayin'....