Ok I dont like Liars and wasted time !!! TheGigIsUp

I do not like liars or wasting my time.

TheGigIsUp since your inbox is full and I have no other way to get a hold of you after your lie you wrote me about why you have decided to cancel our appt I guess I will do it here and I dont care if people think its inappropriate or not then dont read it.

I had to reschedual our 90 min appt since I fell due to my hotels negligence. I had a full day or lawyers and insurance companys calling me and didnt want to put him in the position to be there if the manager came knocking on my door which they did to take there own pictures... I was trying to keep his discretness safe..
We decided to set up the appt for today at 1130, ok and I appreciated it.

Wake up early to shower and coffee, and to get day started so I didnt look have dead and look in my inbox a sure enough he said he has a cold ....

Now if that was true ok, or even if you woulda just said to me yesterday "listen I will have to catch you another time, I just cant wait that long" or "If I find someone else that trips my trigger I will let you know"

DONT lie to me and tell me your sick, when I know you went out and had an appt yesterday.
You could have just let me know because I declined 2 other people for this morning because it was supposed to be 1130 and it was supposed to be 90 mins.

Sir I do not want to play with you anymore and no a make up session will not help. You wasted my time, you lied to me, and you lost me money which is not cool at all. Tell the truth, if that woulda happened I woulda said "ok see ya next time" or something.
Miss Valentina's Avatar
What do you expect from Mr. Skiddles?
lol so not the point but you made me laugh, been bawling this whole trip sucks sooooo bad. But thank you you made me sniggle
illuminati's Avatar
Lies go both ways, Hun. Plenty of gents who go through a lot if trouble to see a girl and then all of a sudden she needs to take her "_______" to the emergency room, or car problems, or Aunt Flo is visiting, or... You get the idea.
fun2come's Avatar
Shayla, NCNS suck, yes short notice cancellations suck too (no matter the reason given), so sorry that happened.

But I am curious:
1) How do you know he went out and had a date yesterday?
2) ... and you might want to let us know who the provider was ...
I don't want to catch a cold...
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-28-2014, 04:48 PM
I'm honestly sorry Shayla.

This is the same way WE feel when NCNS...well...less the financial part...NCNS are just bad business on both sides of the coin....but at least you weren't sitting in a parking lot pounding away texts wondering why you were left sitting when a simple "Hey I have a cold" would have saved the trip & given you time to line up something else.
Shayla, NCNS suck, yes short notice cancellations suck too (no matter the reason given), so sorry that happened.

But I am curious:
1) How do you know he went out and had a date yesterday?
2) ... and you might want to let us know who the provider was ...
I don't want to catch a cold... Originally Posted by fun2come

I found out the hard way that these ladies have their ways of finding out. Once upon a time I cancelled on one of my (now) favorites to spend time with the newest flavor of the month. I did not know my name was on the schedule for their shared incall...
fun2come's Avatar
I found out the hard way that these ladies have their ways of finding out. Once upon a time I cancelled on one of my (now) favorites to spend time with the newest flavor of the month. I did not know my name was on the schedule for their shared incall... Originally Posted by Gentleman
That's fucking hilarious .... and she still sees you ... hmmmmm .... your Benjies must be good
I found out the hard way that these ladies have their ways of finding out. Once upon a time I cancelled on one of my (now) favorites to spend time with the newest flavor of the month. I did not know my name was on the schedule for their shared incall... Originally Posted by Gentleman
Yeah. Funny enough, the finding out is usually completely accidental.

Three hookers meet-up for margaritas.
Hooker 1: Man...I had a long day. My 2 o'clock was a piece of work.
Hooker 2: I had a long day, too! Drinks are on you because my 1 o'clock NCNSed. It's a shame, because he's one of my favorites.
Hooker 1: I'll take a NCNS over a guy who gives my holes wet-willies all damn appointment.
Hooker 2: Aww, I kind of like when guys do that.
Hooker 1: But with his BIG TOE?!?!?
Hooker 2: Wait, you saw Frank?
Hooker 1: You know Frank?
Hooker 3: Did it just get cold in here, because I feel like I could cut glass with these babies!
F2cum dont worry about how I know I just do, if someone wants to chime in there more then welcome but I wont be breaking rules, good try though lol And yes we all know they suck but I am not talking about everyone else I am talking about me and the person, and all I am saying is I cared enough to reschedual so his face wouldnt be seen here while all this insurance hotel crap is going on and so our time wouldnt be interupted, so be a fucking man and tell me "shayla I couldnt wait I needed to get my dick wet" and I would have said "I understand, catch another time". Dont fucking lie to me !!!! Not cool.... Not to mention I put off one of my regs because I thought that time was taken and now I feel horrible.....
and FYI I dont share an incall the hotel is under my name and I am the only one going in and out of this place so.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 08-28-2014, 05:54 PM
Damn...you're already falling AND getting grouchy in your old age...

LOL, just joking, don't get pissed and for heaven's sake DON'T CRY!!!
knotty man's Avatar
when you fell, was it caused by a LIGHTNING STRIKE.
please say it was caused by a LIGHTNING STRIKE.
i had LIGHTNING STRIKE in the eccie "shayla accident" poll
X ing my fingers
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-28-2014, 05:59 PM
On the bright side Shay, when you get your walker it'll be easier to do standing doggie...
fun2come's Avatar
when you fell, was it caused by a LIGHTNING STRIKE.
please say it was caused by a LIGHTNING STRIKE.
i had LIGHTNING STRIKE in the eccie "shayla accident" poll
X ing my fingers Originally Posted by knotty man
DAYUM, I forgot about that !!! I so had that down ....

What did I win what did I win?

A free NCNS ?
A Bait and Switch ?
Another CHJ ???