Review NCNS Classy_Assy_Jazzy

Date: 8/30/2014
Provider: Classy_Assy_Jassy
Phone: (806) 544-9320
Email Address: She may or may not provide
URL / Website:
City: Austin
State: Texas
Address: Unknown she NCNS
Appointment Type: Other
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: None, Nada, Nothing
Session Length: None
Fee: None
Hair Length and Color: Do not know since she NCNS
Age: Showcase says 20s
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: Unknown since she NCNS.
Recommendation: No
Her loss, IMO.
Bob McV's Avatar
I hope this gets moved to co-ed soon and she gives her side of the story. I was looking to set something up with her, but if she doesn't know what she is going to charge from moment to moment I'll have to pass.
Hmmm.....I wonder if it has something to do with the title of this review
Still Looking's Avatar
Hmmm.....I wonder if it has something to do with the title of this review
Originally Posted by cinnamonshark
Must not be his sister...
sixxbach's Avatar
Moved to coed since no session took place.

Good now I can just say, man SL you so cock blocked him lmfao.....

But for really real I am sorry that this happened hon sucks huh...
Still Looking's Avatar
Good now I can just say, man SL you so cock blocked him lmfao.....

But for really real I am sorry that this happened hon sucks huh... Originally Posted by shayla84
It wasn't intentional...
netzwerke's Avatar
You too......I've been talking to her since 4am she setup to come see me then NCNS
well damn, lets hope that this doesnt continue, sometimes we go through things and we hit a rough patch (been there done that) But once she realizes that in order to do this right and get shit done and become a sucessful hooker (lol) consistancy is a +
Still Looking's Avatar
well damn, lets hope that this doesnt continue, sometimes we go through things and we hit a rough patch (been there done that) But once she realizes that in order to do this right and get shit done and become a sucessful hooker (lol) consistancy is a MUST! Originally Posted by shayla84
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-31-2014, 01:40 PM
You too......I've been talking to her since 4am she setup to come see me then NCNS Originally Posted by netzwerke
"She" finally found a better offer...let me all you get is crickets?

No showed me as well. I even called a few minutes later and she accidentally answered. When she discovered it was the person she was in the middle of standing up she hung up. Lol what a loser.
Bob McV's Avatar
We never got anything confirmed a few messages back and forth then I assumed she got busy them about 3 hrs later I get a text " Hi There!" ... like all the PMs earlier never happened? how strange.

Maybe her manager, agent, and personal assistant need too communicate better.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 08-31-2014, 05:19 PM
I think we need several verified vegetable asspipe encroachments (VVAE's) before this one is ready for primetime...

(BTW check out the Mr Deeds feet on this girl)