Early Morning Slowness with TWC

  • CS25
  • 08-31-2014, 08:27 AM
I live in San Antonio, TX. I recently switched to TWC from U-Verse, not by choice but by availability after a move, and have noticed slow speeds in the early morning browsing. 5AM - 7:30AM is when I like to check posting and discussion threads.

I was using Chrome this morning because it was my understanding from something else I read that it works better than IE for ECCIE. I opened an incognito window. The ECCIE website was sooooo sloowwww to load it was ridiculous. I closed it out twice to start over. Then started the laptop over also to shut down background activity. Still no help.

By then it was nearly 8AM so I opened again with IE just to post these questions:
1. Is any of the problem due to ISP TWC? Never had this problem with U-Verse.
2. Is any of the problem tied to using Chrome as browser?
Using version 37.0.2062...
3. I thought early morning would be a better time to use the internet since there is less traffic that early. Am I incorrect in usage pattern assumptions?

Would appreciate feedback from fellow users in this area about what might be the bottom line cause of this frustratingly slow internet speed. Thanks.
ck1942's Avatar
It may not be your ISP, but either your connect (router) or a loaded browser (any) or even an overloaded computer.

Regular maintenance might reduce some of the slowness.

And, indeed, you may want to consider upgrading you ISP speed, your computer operating system and also, if you are using wi-fi, making sure no strangers are camping out on your signal.
  • CS25
  • 08-31-2014, 01:52 PM
CK...we have two cell phones that are tapping the wi-Fi as well as two laptops, one smart TV and one nook. However, at that time of morning they are not getting usage...may be connected but with zero activity. Only one laptop, the one I use, is active.

I can check to see who else may be trying to tap our wi-fi but it is a secure network and does not use a simple password. Will ping test to see what the speeds currently are tomorrow morning but last time I did that in early July it was as fast as our old U-Verse speeds.
  • CS25
  • 08-31-2014, 01:55 PM
The other thing is later in the day it speeds up and works as it should. I Find that odd.
dynamitekid's Avatar
CS...I think eccie must do something with their servers every morning. I swear from 6-6:30 AM EST, it always is slow.
Not sure it is anything wrong on your side.
I've always switched to the mobile site at that time...seems like fewer issues with pages loading for those 30 minutes.
  • CS25
  • 09-01-2014, 02:56 PM
I have noticed better luck with my smartphone.
RochBob's Avatar
For some reason which nobody seems to know the reason for. The organization I work for has TWC Business Class for our connectivity between our Headquarters and Remote sites. The speed is horrible. Especially on Monday mornings. We are attributing this to the fact that its "shared bandwidth" & that everybody on it is logging on. We are now seriously looking at going back to Point to Point private connections instead due to this issue as its becoming very disruptive to our operations.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
CS...I think eccie must do something with their servers every morning. I swear from 6-6:30 AM EST, it always is slow. Originally Posted by dynamitekid
The system runs a backup overnight at various times. That most definitely slows things down.