Service dogs are docile and very unobtrusive
Originally Posted by txexetoo
I agree.
I would first ask him why he has the need for the dog. Then decide.
Last April, I was in this hotel for a few days and there was this rather odd guy who worked there and who had a "service" dog that was this tiny thing in a backpack and well, it was odd.
But supposedly, this dog was there for mental health. The dog was completely fine. It was one of those tiny yip yap dogs. Not sure what type of breed. Certainly one that was able to be carried in a backpack.
If he had wanted an appointment and had the dog, even though the idea of this dog as being a companion dog was dubious, it would have been fine with me.
But most service dogs wear a certain type of vest, with a certain type of harness attached, that makes it obvious to others that it's a service dog.
I do think that some people will say that an animal is a service animal and it's not. I've seen it before.
Could he send you a picture of the dog? Generally, they have a certain look. Like a Labrador, something like that.
Sounds interesting! (I wonder what I would say if a guy had a service dog? I would ask him why he needed one. I think his disability would concern me more than the dog.)